Ask an adult what was the best part about childhood, and the most common answer you will get is – listening to short English moral stories! Stories about an imaginative creature, king and queen, animals, plants! Honestly, the kind of characters did not matter as long as the content and moral of the story was great! I am sure all of you would agree to that! Hearing short stories with moral values were a great bonding time for the child and parent back in those days, and storytelling kids is still the best activity! I am a mom now, but I can still vividly recall the short stories with moral values that my grandmother used to recite to me. Some of the best small stories for kids in the form of books were from Panchatantra and Jataka Tales. Books for children were rare those days but I remember reading some of my favourite characters dearly.

Short English moral stories for kids:
Short stories with moral values are a great way to enable children with values and life lessons! Making children listen to short stories at bedtime is a common routine most families follow worldwide. Short moral stories for kids are not only a great way to teach them life lessons but also inculcate the habit of reading in them. Apart from the engaging aspect, also aids in brain development in kids and keeps their inquisitive and curious nature alive. As a mom, I personally enjoy storytelling an exciting activity to engage with my kid. I have been reading short moral stories to my little one just before bedtime since he was 1 year old. We enact, make different sounds and even giggle during some sweet storytelling sessions.
Here are my top 3 short stories with moral values that we grew up reading and our generations to come will grow up reading and listening to. Who doesn’t love stories and the more the merrier, isn’t that so?
Specially Curated List of simple and easy to read short stories with moral values for kids:
1. The Lion and the Cows

Once upon a time, there lived a group of cows. The cows were friends with each other and used to graze together. One day a lion saw them grazing in the forest. The lion thought to himself that if he kills them he will have a good feast for at least two weeks! This made him very happy. The next day, the lion decided to prey on them. However, the group of cows fought with the lion and ultimately he had to run away!
A few days later the cows quarrelled with each other. They fought so much so that finally they had to part ways. As a result, they started grazing separately. The lion noticed this and decided to hunt them one by one as they are separate. Had the cows been together with one another, they could have thwarted the lion from hunting them.
Moral of the story – Unity is strength.
2. The Farmer and the Crane

In a tiny village, once lived a farmer whose entire livelihood was dependant on the crop he sowed. However, he was having a hard time as the crop was getting eaten by the birds. His wife gave him the advice to lay out a net to catch the birds. He laid out the net at night and the next afternoon he managed to catch the flock of birds. Surprisingly a crane also got caught in the farmer’s net. The crane pleaded with the farmer to free him. To this, the farmer replied- ‘ You have been found in the same company of birds who were spoiling my crop. I will not spare you. Had the crane avoided eating with the flock of birds he would not have landed in the farmer’s net!
Moral of the story – Bad company is harmful.
3. The Milkmaid and her pail
Polly, the milkmaid was going to the farmer’s market carrying a pail of milk on her head. As she went along, she began calculating what she would do with the money she would get after selling the milk. She began thinking, ‘I will work till I could buy some hens and soon enough when they start laying eggs, I will sell them to the farmer’s wife. I will then buy a beautiful new dress and will go about dancing where everyone will admire me. There will be many suitors asking for my hand for marriage. I shall just toss my head and say ‘no’. And just as she tossed her head back, the pail of milk fell on the ground. The milk spilt all over the floor and she was left with nothing to sell.

Moral of the story – Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.
These are not merely my favourite short English moral stories for kids, they are also memories that I took forward. Hearing these short moral stories was the best bonding time with my grandmother. Coming to think of it, are our kids missing out on this bonding time? Keep following The Champa Tree for more short stories with moral values as well as other English stories for kids.
These stories are a great way to teach kids important life lessons in a fun and engaging manner. Loved them!
I love this post and I agree with you wholeheartedly. There is absolutely nothing that compares to the value of a close family.
I love this post and I agree with you wholeheartedly. There is absolutely nothing that compares to the value of a close family.