Now that there’s a total ban on venturing out of our homes, super thanks to the 21-day COVID-19 lockdown due to coronavirus, here’s what I think each one of us should make an effort to follow.
We asked around and while we’re sure most of us know some of these but I still think it’s time we go back in time and follow what our parents and grandparents did in the times of epidemics. Keep yourself safe and sane. Here’s how…
Top 7 hacks and tips in the time of COVID-19 lockdown as recommended by our readers:
1. Change your clothes as often as you can
If you step out of your unit or house even for a bit to get a few essentials, please be sure to take a bath with and change into a new set of clothes. Wash them thoroughly and repeat. Pro tip: Save water by switching to bucket baths over showers. Water conservation is equally important.
In most countries, it’s getting hot and humid. Therefore, switch to cotton fabric. Ensure you have enough cotton clothes to wear and your redundant cotton towels should come handy. That’s what our grandparents used all along. No fuzzy towels. They are easy to wash and dry. The rationale is that more often you wash, the more you would require towels.
2. Cook sustainable meals and cook wisely
We’ve been stuck at home. Not sure if our essentials supply will come on time or we will have to wait long enough to get hold of basic vegetables. Therefore, opt for one heavy meal followed by two light meals. Try and refurbish food. You could also cook a lot more in a go and deep-freeze it. A house full of kids often demands endless snacking options. Therefore, cook wisely and repurpose food as much as possible. Opt for finger foods. Try to opt for foods that are wholesome, such as millets. Also, fewer utensils mean less water wastage and a cleaner, more hygienic kitchen is what we need right now.
Have the guts to change…whatever folds and unfolds…Life in the time of COVID-19 lockdown. Read on to change your habits and shine above all.
4. At this point, most of us are juggling. So let’s prioritize
Most of us are working from home and also taking charge of household chores. Just like in old times, there was everything being taken care of with no or limited help. Therefore, let’s set some rules right and ask each and every family member (above 5 years of age) to wash their own utensils, clean after meals, dusting, laundry, watering the plants, etc. We are no superwomen or supermen, so let’s seek each other’s help, try and keep ourselves busy to avoid massive burnout (and anxiety) due to lockdown!
Your mum is not a superwoman. A hilarious post to beat Coronavirus-related stress!
5. Let a positive spiritual chant play in the house
Our parents and grandparents have some lovely folktales and chants as a repository saved and locked in their hearts, and heads. Let’s sit and chant with them.
Here are a few chants you could listen to.
6. Avoid too much of binge-watching!
The internet is almost going for a toss. Internet speed may slow down on high traffic owing to Coronavirus lockdown. We are in COVID-19 lockdown, the entire world is. Imagine, the number of people who are working from home or using Facetime, Skype, Zoom, etc. to talk to their office colleagues or friends/loved ones. Therefore:
1. Let’s play some fun and interactive games. Opt for infotainment packed games such as flashcards. Utilize this time by introducing new ways to engage, entertain and spend time with the little ones. We have been trying a premium assortment of learning and play resources that aid healthy brain development as well as Early Childhood Learning.

2. You could also play a round of housie or snap or bingo and set incentives.
3. One can never get bored with traditional board games. They have withstood the test of time. So, spend effortless time with your little and not-so-little ones.
4. If you’re listening to music, please avoid listening to melancholic music. Read books, from fiction to self-help. Here are a few recommendations:
For kids: The Best of Tenali: Tales of Wit and Adventure; For adults: Mind Your Mind – Three Principles for Happy Living by Hachette

7. Express gratitude, meditate
Soak in the sun and be grateful to nature for you have access to Vitamin-D in abundance. Catch up with long lost friends, be thankful and express your gratitude. Talk to the family online, video call, Skype. Life is short, make the most of it and leave no room for hatred, sulking, and regrets.
Have faith and add quality to your otherwise busy life. Don’t be scared. Encourage and motivate others to break their patterns. These 21-days can be a retrospection of the sorts. Learn a new life skill. Think of how you can add more value to your current business/job portfolio.
Use this quarantine period to help and heal. Stay healthy and active, all!
Maintaining positivity in the house in these times are very important. Chanting and meditation are really helpful.
All these tips are so useful and practical. The lockdown time is very tough for us and kids ,hence we should behave wisely.
Meditation helps in a different level altogether. This is a must read blog for all during these days of pandemic.
Very thoughtfully written. Every point you wrote here makes a big difference. Thank you for this insightful post😊
I have also shared health tips last month. There are some different points, I feel I have missed.
I loved most of the tips…it is really useful…my favourite One is expressing gratitude and meditation it is so important at today’s times…
Happy to see that someone is talking about this. All the tips and activities are my type of things. I loved reading this article. So helpful and filled with mindfulness.
Excellent tips and suggestions. Definitely Gratitude needs to be a part of everyone’s day – it makes such a difference to your day and life and mindset.
Pandemic has been disastrous to normal living, but it has taught us all the importance being united, consuming wisely, importance of hygiene and much more. Thanks for sharing these wonderful tips.
Lockdown had been tough for adults and kids alike. And yes taking care of basic things and self care is very important to keep the mental Wellbeing in check and also precautions and steps to make sure things are running well at home front too.
I totally agree pandemic has created an havoc on families across the world and we indeed need to stand together and live mindfully. From cooking, eat healthy, managing work life balance to spending good time with family and kids. We should lead a life full of gratitude.
Lockdown- I started hating this word as it disturbed my life in multiple ways. But yes we all need to survive in this pandemic and so you tips will be really helpful for all.
These are indeed testing times for all of us. It is so important to stay safe and engaged. These are some really sensible ways to stay positive and engaged.
These tips are vital especially the one to prioritise as juggling between us much can be so tiring and frustrating
Engaging ourselves to the extent that we are positively charged is the best way to sail in this pandemic. I am doing most of the tips shared in the post and I also keep my children busy with something creative.
I am following most of these tips given out by you. I will surely try to include positive chants to be played during morning hours to give all members a relaxed day start.
These tips are really useful and should be followed. Sustainable cooking and planning meals is also very important since there is a lot of wastage of food and since pandemic evryone had come to understand the importance of food when it was difficult to procure it.
We too follow the hacks and the tips u have mentioned in your blog. These sure are helpful to maintain sanity during these times
these are really good tips you have mentioned. Thank you for sharing these, we are doing some of these already.
These are some great tips and to be very frank I am doing all of these. This is a difficult time for each one of us and we need to be positive and gratitude helps to be calm and positive too.
These tips are very important. Especially during COVID when every one is going through some or the other thing. Thank you for sharing this. This will help us stay calm.
All these are great way to stay sane during hard time of pandemic and lock down. I agree, we are not superwomen and it may be overwhelming and exhausting, if a single women handles all the household tasks alone. sharing tasks and household responsibilities are must to avoid burnt out.
Each and every tip is much required to stay clam and thankful during the tough time. I follow almost all the points except too much bing watching, need to reduce
We need mental peace and a positive environment to stay sane during these tough times. The mantra that you have shared is very soothing. Listening to it while writing this comment.
I agree that we really required each tip to stay happy during this pandemic. Meditation as you mentioned is very important!!