The art of packing the perfect diaper bag

by Ila Asthana

You are only 2 minutes away from packing the perfect diaper bag which you probably don’t need to double-check for every time you leave the house!

If you are a mom-to-be or just stepped into the motherhood journey, you would know by now, that the knack of packing the perfect diaper bag is not everybody’s cup of coffee. This is an art itself, which entails extreme organization and planning skills. If you have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), for once it is certainly going to be useful in your life. Some key points to remember, while you pack the diaper bag for your child.Perfect diaper bag 01

1. Two diaper bag method: Some mothers plan ahead and pack two diaper bags. One to be left in the car and one to be carried along with the child. Most mothers find this approach very convenient.

2. Some of the standard things which every diaper bag must contain:

  • Alcohol-free baby hand sanitizer
  • Sensitive baby wipes
  • Child’s diapers (always carry extra)
  • Bib
  • Cereal snack
  • Fresh-cut fruits and biscuits if your toddler eats any
  • Your baby’s favorite toy

Perfect diaper bag 023. A lightweight, small and compact blankets can come handy during crises. They act as great changing pads, nursing cover-ups, bibs or burp clothes.

4. An extra set of clothing and edible food formula items for the child is advised by most of the experienced mothers. Full spare outfit for the baby certainly is a must.

5. Have a diaper disposal bag in your car as well as in your diaper bag.

6. Feeding Bottle, one separately for milk and one for water, and one extra for feeding the ready mix food. Ensure there are sets of two each in both the bags.

7. Diaper rash cream and baby sunscreen must be taken if you are going out in the sun.

8. Pacifier such as toys, rattles, teethers, books and/or any item that your child loves to have and gets comfortable with.

9. Important medicine for the child and basic first aid kit because it would be useful in case of emergency. I carry gas drops and saline nasal drops!Perfect diaper bag 03

Here is a quick and handy diaper bag checklist. You can take a print-out and pin up using refrigerator magnet -works as an easy reminder!Perfect diaper bag 04

While the child’s bag is packed, ensure your bag is also packed.

  • Wallet with cards, house keys and mobile phone – First of the items to be put in the bag. Never forget.
  • Just like the baby, take an extra pair of clothing for yourself in case the child vomits and your dress get dirty.
  • A good book or a kindle would be handy, if you wish to spend your free time productively.

A perfectly packed bag is a baby-workstation in itself. A right bag that fits all is necessary. Expect the unexpected and be prepared for it.


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