“Wintertime! Christmas time merry time”, and also the time for some fun indoor activities. Merry time in winter often gets marred due to erratic rainfall, gloomy days and bad air quality. Hence as parents, it becomes quite challenging and dreadful to keep your little ones busy and entertained. I and my little often engage in these 6 exciting indoor activities that you must do nicely with your kids in the so-called unwanted dreary dull days.

Fun indoor activities also serve as a platform to socialize by setting up playdates. Besides, indoor activities for kids are a great stress buster for adults too (since calling friends over doesn’t ever have any age ceiling, right?). Check out some of the most exciting indoor activities for your little ones, coming straight from the house buzzing with fun.
6 Super-exciting Indoor Activities To Do With Kids:
1. Build, Solve and Build-again!
#1 out of 6 fun indoor activities for all age groups
Puzzles, word puzzles, and building blocks are a good way to keep your child engaged. They are a fun-filled infotainment package for a child and his mum/dad. Revive the art of playing traditional board games and have fun. Also, builds your child’s cognitive and motor skills.
2. Card-sy Games
#2 out of 6 fun activities for kids and their grandparents too!
Ohh! It is again a lazy gloomy winter day, and you are really confused, don’t know what to do and how to pass your time don’t worry here comes the trump cards or Uno or flippin’ out. Just grab a cup of coffee, serve a bowl full of healthy snacks and encourage the entire family to indulge in 100% fun stuff.
3. The Good Old 90s
#3 out of 6 fun activities for older kids
The good old 90s taught us to take our pens, pencils, and papers to another level. We amped up the paper plane-paper boat game by introducing pencils and pens! ‘Name, Place Animal Thing’ and ‘Join The Dots’ is still doing the rounds. If you like to collect board games, then I’m sure you have Pictionary or Scrabble at home. All you need for this is at least two persons, a sheet of paper and a pencil each, the more the number of people the merrier it shall be.
4. Creative Reading and Writing
#4 out of 6 fun indoor activities best suited for children above kindergarten-stage

This winter, inculcate the habit of reading to/with your kids. Strengthen their vocabulary and add some festive fervor to one of the best, creative and fun indoor activities by bringing in Christmas/Holiday-themed reading and writing into the picture. Reading out loud also boosts self-confidence enhances and develops a sense of independence. It improves grammar. Likewise, story writing improves writing skills and increases the imaginative faculty in the brain. Once again, folks, try and make the most of this winter break!
Looking for reading and writing workshops around you? Click here!
5. Cubby House Building Fort
#5 out of 6 fun indoor activities, super cute and especially for kids under the age of four
I remember when we were kids…we used to build cubby house and forts with blankets and pillows, it used to be so much fun. These fun indoor activities used to be our favorite pastime. Let’s do this all over again? Shall we?
Informative article. Will surely follow the tips provided. Keep writing such blogs.
Love your post!