The winter is retreating. But the cold is still playing spoilsport for the little ones to go out and play. To top it, the nuisance of the flu season is in full swing. So the little ones are sort of under house arrest. Outdoor kids’ activities are just not possible. And these bundles of energy need something to occupy them. Kiddos full of energy, inside the house, are definitely a disaster recipe for mommas! And switching on the idiot box throughout or handing over the mobile is a no-no. Mommy dear requires children activities that are technology-free and mommy free too.
‘Mumma, I have made a mansion for you, and the first floor is all yours’, ‘I am making a surprise gift for you, go to another room while I prepare it’ – such words from a child busy by itself can be music to a mothers’ ears. And this is only possible if kids are engaged in children activities that are completely engrossing and doesn’t require much of adult supervision. A win-win situation for all, isn’t it?
So how do I keep my little ones occupied?
Here are 6 Energy Busting Children Activities to Beat the Seasonal Blues
…And keep the little ones hooked:
1. Step-by-Step Build your Dreams
Building blocks and toys are super fun and amongst the favorite kids’ activities. Blocks with alphabets and numerical, pictorial blocks, colored shapes, and legos are all-time favorites. These toys are excellent for young minds to develop their creativity, learn about balance and build different structures. As part of kids’ activities, it also helps in building up muscle strength. For my little one, I am using Lego Snow Groomer. A 197 pc kit, this lego set has an opening Minifigure cab, sturdy tracks, a swiveling 6-stud rapid shooter snow cannon and a plow blade in the front to push snow. It is recommended for children above the age of six as small parts can be hazardous to little kids.

2. Who Wants to Be the Super Racer in Town?
Is there a little man around who is immune to racing tracks? None, I believe. Though it shouldn’t be gender-specific, boys do love cars. And to top it if they can race one? They can be hooked to it for hours. I usually give my little one a track to build and while he races a car on it, I enjoy a book. Hotwheels Super Score Speedway is perfect for my four-year-old for the maximum racing fun, stunts and action.

3. Enough of Playdough, it’s Kinetic Sand Time
Kids get bored very easily. A limited attention span and thirst for new things keep mummas on the toes, isn’t it? Playdough is good for some time, but as a parent too, you get tired of cleaning up the aftermath. In such situations, kinetic sand did come for my rescue many a time. This is one children’s activity that even I can sit for hours and enjoy. It is easily moldable and because it is kinetic it sticks to itself. Isn’t it neat? The good news is – it is gluten-free and non-toxic. So gone are your worries for washing up hands every ten minutes, if you are a cleanliness freak like me. Try the Kinetics Sand Neon Green 2 pounds. Let your little one’s creative juices flow.
4. Eureka! It’s Pictureka Now
My daughter got this one on her birthday. We thought just another puzzle game and that was it. The box found itself abandoned for some time on the top cupboard shelf. But one fine day when all the new games had been explored, it finally found some favor. Once the box was opened, both the kids were hooked. And after some time even I joined it. This Funskool Pictureka game has now become a family favorite. You have to hunt for the picture that your card shows after you have rolled the color dice. It is a memory game, tests the mental alertness. It should be a part of indoor children’s activities.
5. Which Number are You Hiding?
A good game of cards I feel is a great kids activity to develop thinking and planning skills. Though an old one, UNO is one such game that kids enjoy. This winter I bought the UNO Flip Side. It is a little more complicated than the simple UNO. An hour easily passes when both my kids get engrossed in it. There is good news for Barbie and Peppa pig lovers. Kids can enjoy their UNO cards with their favorite characters.
6. It’s Time to Vote
Indoor children’s activities are never complete without any board games. Ludo, Chess, Snakes and Ladders, Monopoly are found in almost every household. So while my kids had tired out playing these, I started looking for something new. I chanced upon an interesting one. The elections in Delhi just got over, and if you haven’t been able to satisfy your children’s queries around this, try out The Great Indian Election Game by Abeer Kapoor. It will help your child understand strategy planning, drafting a manifesto, government functions and trying to win seats. Edutain your child with this super innovative children activity game, and let them use that grey matter to the full capacity.

Would you have a few other children activities to share in comments?
by Tasneem Dhinojwala
Nice article.