Top 6 Foods to Eat During Pregnancy – For Mother and Child

Pregnancy is one of the best years of one’s life. A new life growing inside the mother’s womb is nature’s miracle. For me, it just reaffirms god’s existence. Not all of us go through a very pleasant journey though! For me, it was pretty bad. I lost weight in the first trimester. Well, it’s actually alright to lose weight that early in pregnancy but 5 kilos is a hell of a lot. This happened as I was unaware of the foods to eat during pregnancy. Nevertheless, later using these pregnancy tips, I made up for it and gained a healthy 16 kilos around my due date.

Pregnancy FoodI know that you must be fully aware of certain foods to avoid when you are expecting, so if you are wondering what food to eat when pregnant? Don’t worry, I am sharing these top 6 foods to eat during pregnancy. One MUST consume these, daily. Trust me, you will thank me by the end of it.

Top 6 foods to eat during pregnancy:

1. Spinach

 Boil it, make a salad, fill it in your chapattis, mix it with cottage cheese (paneer), or have a bowl of soup made out of it. Do whatever, but go dark green. This veggie is rich in folate, zinc, vitamins, fiber, and iron which is much-needed during pregnancy.

2. Beans  lentils

 Flavorsome and a great source of proteins. Besides, it has fiber which is a dear friend of a pregnant lady.

3. Sweet potatoes

A brilliant snack item full of vitamin C, folate, and fiber. Squeeze some lemon on top and sprinkle a hint of chaat masala to make it extremely appetizing.

4. Dry fruits – Almonds, and cashews

Good source of vitamins and proteins respectively. Dried fruits & nuts if consumed on the regular basis also help in the prevention of constipation which tends to be a major issue in the first trimester. Besides, it strengthens the baby’s bones and teeth. Also, helps in the smooth functioning of the baby’s muscles and organs.

5. Bananas

One should be careful when eating fruits during pregnancy. Banana is safe and it is a wonderful fruit among the foods that fight nausea during pregnancy. An excellent source of potassium, which keeps a check on blood pressure (BP needs to be normal for a smooth and Low-Risk pregnancy). If you don’t like the fruit as is, make a smoothie. It is yum-yum!

6. Roasted chickpeas and jaggery

These are MUST-EAT items during pregnancy. The mixture is rich in folic acid and iron improves hemoglobin.

Pregnancy food- Collage

Author: Vaishali Sudan Sharma

Mom blogger, books lover, fan of new wave cinema, fond of jazz, lounge and classical music. Love to cook Indian & Italian cuisine.

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