- Tips to declutter kids room:
- 1. Start involving the kids early
- 2. Make cleaning fascinating and lively
- 3.Strategic placement of toys/books
- 4. Every toy has its HOME
- 5. Always work with children
- 6. Involve kids in decision making
- 7. Follow a routine to declutter
- 8. Less is more
- 9. Allot time in their daily / weekly rhythm
- 10. Lead by example
If there is one room in your home that you dread to enter, it’s probably your kids’ room! You wish you had a magical genie arising out of a lamp and that he would magically clean and declutter your kids’ room for you? Well, that’s wishful thinking. In reality, the real genie is going to be you – the parent, and your child is the genie’s little helper. How cool will it be if you can make your child your cleaning partner? Here are 10 tips to declutter your kids room.
You may ask, what is the secret to a clean and clutter-free Kids’ room? Well, there is no ONE secret solution for that. It’s a combination of different strategies and solutions that the parent has to figure out.

Tips to declutter kids room:
Here are some of the surefire tips and tricks that worked wonders for me as a parent. Whatever the age of your child, you can make them your declutter partner.
1. Start involving the kids early
One of the best solutions for a clean kids’ room is to start involving the kids in the cleaning process from a very young age. I began to include my daughter during cleaning when she turned 2 ½ – 3 years old. Children are the best imitators. When they see a parent picking up a toy/book (after play) and putting it back in its place, the children start imitating this behavior as well. Thus, it is easy to organically teach the children to keep their things in place from a young age.
2. Make cleaning fascinating and lively
After playtime, or sometimes in the evening when the playroom is cluttered, I would sing these lines (to the tune of London Bridge is Falling Down)
It’s time to put the toys away
Toys away, toys away,
It’s time to put the toys away
Put them away for another day.
It’s time to put the books in their place
Books in their place, books in their place
It’s time to put the books in their place
Put them away for another day.
You can add your lyrics to this as well.
While singing, I would start cleaning the place and sorting the toys (in front of my daughter). 99% of the time, my daughter would imitate me and help me. Then it’s easy to make this a routine. Every time you take a toy – put it back in its place. Singing is also an excellent strategy for transition
For older and bigger kids, count till 5 – 10. At each count, you can ask them to pick one toy and place it in its place. You could also fix a timer or play your child’s favorite song and assign the task of cleaning a specified area or putting back 5/10 toys in its’ place. It acts as a challenge. The Kids will surely be thrilled to be doing this challenge.

3.Strategic placement of toys/books
Strategic placement of the children’s things works with the little kids as well as the older ones. Always place the books or toys and their storage baskets at the child’s eye level or lower. It gives a chance for the child to access it better. One added advantage is that they can put the toys away by themselves if you place the storage baskets on the ground level.
4. Every toy has its HOME

For a child aged 0-6 years, every toy is a living, breathing person. So, talk to the child in the way they understand. You can say, “Just like how you have a home, your Mr….. toy has a home to live in. After playing with him, we put him back into his home”. Show your child where her toys “live” (inside which basket or place). By doing this, the kids now know where everything goes.
5. Always work with children
Working with your children is the most formidable strategy for a cleanroom. Always clean the kids’ room when the kids are present (of course in their rooms). Don’t clean their room when they are away. You can chat with your kid while you are cleaning. You can ask genuine questions while cleaning the room. You could always ask them the name of their toy or their favorite books. The kids will love when the parent is paying attention to their favorite toy. This way, the kids will undoubtedly become partners in the cleaning process. No force is required.
6. Involve kids in decision making
Usually, when you start decluttering your kids’ room, it’s best to ask them to choose what must stay and what must go away. This way, the parent knows what toys/ books/ clothes are dear to their children. This way, you are building trust with your child.
7. Follow a routine to declutter
Following a routine is the #1 tip to declutter the room. So, set a daily rhythm/ weekly rhythm and go through all the clothes/ toys/ books. If you haven’t used any stuff for more than 6 – 8 months, think about donating them or trashing them. Conduct this periodic check just before birthdays, Christmas, or summer holidays which is the best time for decluttering and arranging new things in order.
8. Less is more
There are too many choices, too much stuff, and too little time. The children have a plethora of toys to play with within their room. As a result, the children are stressed and confused with their play items. Instead, limit the number of toys/pieces of stuff you buy for the children. International Bestselling writer Kim John Payne advocates this idea in his book “Simplicity Parenting.” The author further affirms that less will help in raising calmer and happier children.
9. Allot time in their daily / weekly rhythm
For bigger children (7 – 12 years), cleaning or arranging the room can be a part of their weekly or daily routine. When you constantly clean on a weekly/ daily basis, the room is always clean and tidy. Allot Simple tasks every day according to the age of the child.
10. Lead by example
Finally, the Kids mirror what their parents are doing. If you want your kids’ room to be clean and neat, then keep your room neat and tidy. Always be aware that the children are watching you and keep your personal space neat and tidy. Let the children know that you follow a routine to clean your room.
These are some of the simple do-able strategies and big secrets behind a clutter-free kids’ room. I am looking forward to reading your tips and tricks to declutter kids’ rooms. Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.
by Vaishnavi Gurusankar
Winner of Top Mom Bloggers contests conducted by The Champa Tree. She is the founder of Magical Unicorn. Her article, Tips to declutter your kid’s room, in which she shares tips to involve kids while cleaning their room, paved the way for her selection.
Great tips! Starting early and making cleaning fun are game-changers. I love the idea of strategic toy placement and involving kids in decision-making. Less is definitely more. Following a routine is key, and leading by example is so true. Excited to try these!
Thanks a lot Vaishnavi…this article is super helpful!
This is Dhanya Sidharthan