Kids are probably the most affected by COVID-19 because they missed out on the seemingly irrelevant yet most important aspects of their life. While the world is burning midnight oil worrying about the signs and symptoms, repercussions, and possible solutions of the deadly pandemic, here is one boy with his imaginations going wild. He left us awestruck with his depth of words and brightness of fantasy with compelling language and ideas. This little bundle of talent presents his story – My Coronavirus Vaccine Cloud…

Vaccine rain by Dhruv Gupta – Imagination of an 8 year old:
Last Saturday, I was home, eating breakfast with my father. While I was at it, an idea struck me. What if I create a chemical cloud filled with Coronavirus vaccine? A cloud that rains and pours the much-needed vaccine in the current times! But how would people get the Coronavirus vaccine by this method? Probably, they will have to step out of their homes. As they gape at the sky with their mouths wide open, just then a few drops of medicine could end up in their body orally.
But at the same time, I wondered how will people get to know about this special rain? Well, it could be like any other forecast that updates us about the weather. Or it is going back to my grade two EVS (Environmental Studies) book. Also, there are means of mass communication like Television, Radio, etc to announce the specifics of the rain. Now I was getting excited about the thought of vaccine rain!

Challenges of vaccine rain:
Thinking deeper, I realized that there are some challenges and strengths of my idea:
- A large number of people can get Coronavirus vaccine through the vaccine cloud at one go whereas throught the injection it has to be one on one.
- If you would give an injection to the whole town it will take a lot of time. But if you would take the dose from a chemical cloud it will be very quick
- The vaccine’s syringe is made up of plastic which is harmful waste to the environment. On the other hand, when the chemical cloud bursts, it will not create any harmful effects for the environment

- The vaccine rain due to chemical cloud may harm the environment because it is not natural
- When you take a vaccine by syringe, a limited dose goes in the body but with the chemical cloud more or less than required dose may go
- When the chemical cloud rains, the environment should be very clean otherwise the vaccine will become dirty and could have harmful effects after going into the human body
I am really excited about my idea because it can help us in vaccinating everyone quickly and thus help us fight against Corona. I am in serious conversation with my father (who is also a scientist) over dinner nowadays to create “my Coronavirus vaccine cloud”.
Dear Dhruv, you are truly amazing. You inspired me alot too. Keep going. ❤️
Dhruv, you are intelligent and expressive..the way described each and every point along with challenges, it clearly visible how much you are into this’s a great Idea kid…best wishes.
Wow…Coronavirus Vaccine Cloud . This is very great and keep take caring. To fight against corona virus. These childs are very thought and creative😅👍
Dear Dhruv,
What awesome idea to fight against Corona!!
Your vaccine cloud idea imagination is beyond what present scientists 💭!
Can a vaccine cloud rain can be created just like Bollywood style cloud rain during a film shoot😃?
This is a very nice idea Dhruv . These days kids are very thoughtful and creative. Even my son says these types of concepts all the time .
A child’s creativity can really bring wonders! Love how he conceptualise and the way he think is really advance for his age. Others may raise their eyebrows with this idea but who knows! Nowadays, people use helicopters to pour water from the sky when there’s great fire or even do this with pesticide for crops in big lands…it’s only a matter of time for vaccine filled clouds could turn to possibility.
I myself am contemplating whether to take vaccine or not. You have given great perspective for taking vaccine as a kid👍 great poat
Trust me I m literally tired of this word called corona. I feel double sick even hearing people talking about it. Just go away corona and let us breathe
Dear Dhruv, I loved reading your idea. The world needs children like you to come up with innovative solutions. God bless you!
Hi, I loved this, you have a very creative imagination Dhruv I hope you have more ideas like this 😀
Loved it. Beautiful , extraordinary imagenation. Amazing God bless you
Extraordinary imagination and with such good reasoning. Fantastic !!
I m dumbfounded by the imagination of this little wizard.No one in their wildest dreams could have thought have something so Out of the box!!!Way to Go little Einstein!!!
Loved it. Beautiful depiction of a child’s fantasy to make a difference towards the ongoing state of Corona