Preparing for the arrival of a new baby is an exciting time for every family. Designing a comfortable nursery is a great way to provide a warm and welcoming environment for your baby.

Here are some tips for designing a comfortable nursery that is perfect for you and your little one:
1. Lighting
Lighting is key in creating a comfortable and calming atmosphere for your baby. Consider installing a dimmer switch, so you can control the brightness of the lights. Use soft lighting fixtures like lampshades, fairy lights, or dimmed/cove lighting which can be placed in the corners or above your baby’s crib. These small lighting details can help to create a cozy and calm environment for you and your baby.
2. Seating
Investing in a comfortable rocking chair is an excellent decision for nursing or simply spending quality bonding time. Pay attention to the fabric and allow for enough room to move around. A low, cuffed backrest to support the neck, shoulders, and back will increase comfort levels.
3. Organization
Being organized is key when it comes to creating a cozy room for your baby. Consider adding shelves or baskets on the wall – which are elevated so kids don’t reach up and grab – to store items such as diapers, changing pads, blankets, clothes, and wipes. Open shelving can give a display effect or alternatively can provide a basket system inside for items that are not currently needed.
4. Paint
Consider using soft, neutral colors for the walls that will create a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere for your baby. Light colors such as yellow, soft green, blue, grey, or warm pastels have a soothing effect on the child. Avoid dark and bold colors which can look intimidating.
5. Decor
The right decor can add a personal touch that you and your baby will love. Consider wall stickers or decals that are easy to apply and remove. These decals can also be custom-designed or engraved with your baby’s name or playful themes. Incorporate items like throw pillows, decorative baskets, unique wall art, and stuffed animals to add that final touch.

6. Sanitation
It’s important to keep the nursery clean and tidy to prevent the spread of germs, which will help in avoiding infections and sickness. Install a diaper bin for easy disposal of diapers, wipes, and other soiled items.
Anticipating your baby’s arrival, and planning their nursery becomes a thrilling milestone. From choosing colors to finding the ideal crib, designing a nursery demands creativity and attention to detail. Redfin offers 9 expert tips to help you craft a cherished and adored space for you and your baby.
These are just a few tips for creating a cozy and comfortable nursery for your little one. Remember to add your personal touch and keep it simple and clutter-free to create the perfect environment.