Whether you’re preparing for IIT-JEE Mains/Advanced or NEET, self-study is an integral part of the preparations. A study shows that the students who knew how to distribute study time outperformed others on the same material and overall time. This shows us how important the need to properly schedule our time is. This, however, is incomplete without the proper guidance of a subject matter expert(tutor specialising in an area). Now, imagine having access to over 25,000 tutors who are experts not only at a subject level but also at a topic level in depth. Wouldn’t it accelerate your IIT-JEE online preparation to another level? Is it possible?
Filo is an online learning app that has helped over 1 million students learn better, retain more, and lead stress-free life. Students use the platform to connect to a subject matter expert within seconds. Be it 24X7 learning assistance, problem-solving, concept clearance, mock tests or private classes. Filo has got it all for you. A tutor can not only help you with the tough questions but moreover, can also give advice on best practices that can be incorporated to double down your IIT-JEE and NEET online preparations. For many, it’s even better than offline classes, as you can connect with a tutor whenever you want.
This article will emphasize how to prepare for competitive exams like JEE Main/Advanced/NEET, etc., in the most effective manner with Filo. We will learn how to create a study schedule, learn about exam patterns, how to prepare, and much more. So keep reading 🙂
But before that, why do you need to have a personalised learning experience?
The answer is simple. Every child has a unique learning method, speed, and retention capability. Being in a class of around 50 students poses challenges like fear of judgement, shyness etc., that hinder his/her ability to learn. The same effect happens in schools and tuitions all across the world. A personalized 1 to 1 session avoids all of this while selectively answering the child’s queries. This also contributes significantly in boosting the student’s self confidence.
According to a survey, when school students were asked if they were satisfied with the learning experience in terms of depth of understanding, ‘85% said NO’, signalling the need for personalised tutoring.
How to prepare for competitive exams?

Competitive exams are a big part of the student’s journey. But this can be stressful, complicated and even full of spaces where students might find themselves in self-doubt and being distracted. We will take a look at how students should ideally prepare for competitive exams by taking two prominent exams: IIT JEE MAINS/ ADVANCED and NEET for our analysis.
Tips and tricks to crack any competitive exam:
- Know the Exam Pattern: The first step in preparation is always to know what the exam pattern is. Without knowing the pattern, you’re shooting arrows in the dark even with the best prep. So learn about the exam pattern carefully.
- Prepare the Syllabus in a Time Constraint Manner: The optimum strategy is to give weights to the topics in the syllabus and assign priorities. This prioritisation with respect to time is the most important step to an effective preparation.
- Make a Personal Schedule: Once you have the priorities sorted, create a schedule for yourself distributing the topics to study in a timely manner. Give yourself ample study time per topic as well as breaks. This keeps the mind fresh and running at full speed!
- Don’t Completely rely on Lectures, Practice Problems: Most students just rely on concepts and consume lectures one after another. This is particularly bad for subjects like Maths, where problem-solving is THE most important part. So practise more problems.

- Prepare Notes: Preparing your own handwritten notes can give a boost to your preparations. An online tutor can help you with all the right tips and tricks to make sure you use the right resources.
- Concentrate on weaker sections: Giving more importance to weaker sections will surely increase your marks. Ensure that you have help here while you work on your weak areas. It is important to have proper guidance and mentorship here. Perhaps a tutor is of utmost importance here.
- Use flashcards: Preparing flashcards can help you memorise things in a quicker way. An expert can guide you on how to make codes for particular topics and sections.
How to ace IIT-JEE Mains/ Advanced or NEET:
In competitive exams such as IIT-JEE and NEET online preparation, the importance of personalised guidance from an expert gains more prominence. For these candidates, every second is valuable, and an expert tutor could even help them with the right schedule to make sure they give enough importance to all topics.
IIT-JEE Mains and Advanced
IIT-JEE Main and Advanced are two of the toughest entrance exams that are the doorway to the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) admission. The competition is cut-throat, and candidates require a proper strategy and moreover guidance to make it to the top engineering colleges in the country.

Here are general tips to follow for IIT-JEE online preparation
- Take scheduled breaks
- Take care of personal and mental health
- Clear basic concepts first
- Pick up NCERT before going to high-level books
JEE Main exam 2022 pattern
JEE Main Exam 2022 will have 2 papers – JEE Main Paper 1 and JEE Main Paper 2. The online Computer-based exam will be conducted for a duration of 3 Hours. Read here to know more about JEE Main Exam 2022 Pattern.
JEE Main exam 2022 syllabus
JEE Main Exam 2022 syllabus consists of three subjects – physics, chemistry, and mathematics. You can dive deeper into the JEE Main Exam 2022 Syllabus here.
JEE Main & Advanced 2022 updates
Candidates should always keep themselves updated with the latest exam updates. You can follow the latest JEE Main 2022 and Advanced 2022 updates here.
Best tutors for JEE Main and Advanced
Selecting the best tutor for IIT-JEE online preparation could be a tough nut to crack, considering the number of options available. However, you can follow Filo’s guide on top tutors for JEE Main and Advanced to find a suitable tutor for you.

NEET 2022 is a national-level competitive exam that upon a clearing, ensures a seat in one of the top medical colleges in the country. Candidates aspiring to become doctors prepare for the NEET exam.
NEET 2022 exam pattern
NEET 2022 will be a 200 question exam. Candidates can score a maximum of 720 points. If you want to know more about NEET 2022 exam pattern, you can go through Filo’s guide here.
NEET 2022 syllabus
NEET 2022 syllabus consists of topics primarily from three topics – Biology (Botany+Zoology+Genetics), Physics, and Chemistry. You can read Filo’s updated write-up on NEET 2022 syllabus to furthermore understand the exam in a better manner.
Other tips and tricks to crack NEET 2022
- Take Scheduled Breaks
- Take care of health
- Watch videos to get a clear understanding of topics
- Prepare a timetable
- Attempt mock papers
- Practice previous year question papers
- Clear basic concepts first
- Pick up NCERT before going to high-level books
Top teachers for NEET
Candidates can easily connect with top tutors for NEET online. However, they need to consider factors such as experience, fees, and more before finalising one. You can check top tutors for NEET 2022 preparations here.
Filo for NEET/IIT-JEE online preparation:
Filo, an online learning app, can become your partner for JEE Main/Advanced and NEET 2022 online preparations. The platform connects JEE Main & Advanced and NEET aspirants with expert tutors and mentors, who not only solve your doubts but help in managing time, creating a personalised schedule and moreover making sure you get the necessary attention required to crack the exam. Students regard it as one of the best apps for competitive exam preparation like IIT-JEE and NEET

On Filo, over 25,000 tutors are available a single click away! So, take classes from a few experts before finalising the right one for you. Consider a Filo tutor to get a live tutor and catalyst your self-study exam preparations. Download the Filo app now.
Final words:
Hope you have understood the importance of self-study in IIT JEE Main/Advanced and NEET 2022 preparations. Not only that, on Filo, you can get NCERT Solutions for classes 6-12 Maths and other subjects.
Self-study coupled with an online tutor could be your key to success. All the best!
If you’re planning to give a shot at online tutoring, you can download the Filo app from here. Happy Learning!
Impressive! Trust is earned, and one million students can’t be wrong. It’s heartening to see such a reliable platform for NEET/IIT-JEE prep.
thanks for gving nice information
You’ve written a fantastic piece. This article gave me some important information. Thank you for making this information available. Keep up the excellent work.
Thanks for introducing Filo app for preparation of NEET and IIT-JEE. Also great tips shared by you for cracking competitive exams. I also feel one to one coaching is effective then taking coaching in a class filled with 50 kids other than you.
Such competitive exams can be stressful for the kids. But this app makes it all easy. Frm 24 hours assistance to mock test, it has all.
Competitive exams are challenging and stressful for kids. Apps like these help them prepare ans ace with higher scores . Thanks for sharing this information
My daughter is growing and soon will give competitive exams. These tips will be so helpful
Thanks for introducing Filo app for preparation of NEET and IIT-JEE. Also great tips shared by you for cracking competitive exams. I also feel one to one coaching is effective then taking coaching in a class filled with 50 kids other than you.
This is first time I am hearing about FILO app for the preparation of IIT-JEE Exams. this post is going to be very helpful for many aspirants. Also I am going to share this post to my both nephews who are preparing for IIT-JEE 2023. Thanks for sharing detailed info about this app.
Filo seems like a great app. My kids are small for competition exam but they are important aspect for career . In future i will opt for filo for my kids.
*era *My ( sorry for typo in previous comment)
In this covid ear, digital options like educational app are must to support student’s learning journey. filo sounds like a great app to support IIT-JEE and NEET online preparations. thanks for sharing its unique features. will share about this mu cousin who is preparing for the same examination.
I have seen my classmates preparing for JEE and the coaching classes they used to go. But with EdTech learning has become more convenient and fun. The pointers mentioned for “preparation for any competitive exam” is very true.
An app that keeps tab on your studies on day to day basis and solves doubt on the channel for students is a great feature. Learning through gadgets was never that much fun before.