The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic on March 11 and subsequently many nations declared self-isolation for their citizens. Now that everyone is under lockdown with less work and more of family time, everyone is engaging in different activities. Some are playing online games, some are engaging in video partying, some are making Tik-Tok videos, and others are learning new skills. If you follow any celebrity on social media, then you can’t miss them advising on staying fit. Celebrity channels are full of videos on different types of yoga asanas, healthy foods, and games.

Yoga is being preferred as a mode of exercise as it does not require any equipment and most of the asanas can be done at home. Yoga helps the already active kids to channelize their energies in a better and positive way.
Here are a few types of yoga poses that one can do with the family:
1. Child’s pose
How to do the Yoga Pose
1. Sit on your heels
2. Gradually bring your forehead to rest in front of your knees
3. Extended your hands in front
4. Spread your knees apart with your big toes touching each other
5. Breathe deeply
6. Child pose yoga asana is a relaxation pose. It can also be done between two difficult asanas. It helps relieve stress, and stretches hips, thighs, and ankles
NOTE: This is one of the easiest types of yoga poses you must try doing at home.
2. Bridge pose
How to do the Yoga Pose
Lie on your back;
Knees bent and feet hip-width apart;
Rest your arms down alongside your body;
Tuck your chin into your chest;
Lift your hips and back.
This pose helps strengthens back, glutes, legs, and ankles. It also helps calm the body, alleviates stress and mild depression.
3. Tree pose
How to do the Yoga Pose
1. Balance your weight on one leg
2. Twist open the other leg to create a kickstand with your foot
3. Move this leg slowly towards your inner thigh with toes pointing down
4. Reach your arms up in the sky, as if you are growing branches
5. A balancing asana strengthens the leg muscles. This pose is good for ankles, calves and abdominal muscles
4. Sun Salutation
How to do the Yoga Pose
1. Stand straight with your hands in a prayer position (Tadasana)
2. As you inhale, stretch your arms outwards towards the roof (Tadasana Urdhva Hastasana)
3. As you exhale, start bending forward folding from your belly and keeping your legs straight (Uttanasana), don’t push too much, bend only as much as you can
4. Now inhale and lift your back, gazing forward and making a 90-degree angle from at your hips (Ardha Uttanasana), you can rest your hands on your on the shins;
5. Exhale and get into Uttanasana
6. As you inhale, rest your palms on the ground, stretch your right leg back and with the left leg at a 90-degree angle from your knee, look upwards (Ashwa Sanchalanasana);
7. Take your left leg back forming a high plank (Dandasana)
8. As you exhale, bring your forehead, chest, and knees to the ground (Ashtanga Namaskara);
9. When you inhale, bring the rest of the body to the ground and start lifting your body from the head (Bhujangasana). At Bhujangasana, your legs should be touching the ground, and your hands should be on the ground firmly. Make sure that you only lift your body from the hips upwards with your face looking up;
10. As you exhale, tuck your toes and start lifting your body from the hips, forming a mountain-like shape with your body and your tail-bone pointing up (Parvatasana);
11. When you inhale, bring your right foot forward between your hands to form (Ashwa Sanchalanasana);
12. Now while exhaling, bring your left foot forward, join feet and bring them between your palms/ hands forming Uttanasana
13. As you inhale, lift your body to Tadasana Urdhva Hastasana
14. Slowly exhale and bring your hands back to prayer position to form Tadasana.
15. The biggest benefit of Surya Namaskar is that it moves and stretches the entire body. One complete round of the asana strengthens the body, relieves constipation, stimulates the nervous system, helps in digestion and strengthens heart muscles.
Corpse Pose
5. How to do the Yoga Pose
1. Lie flat on your back
2. Your feet apart and your hands resting next to your body;
3. With palms facing upwards, relax your body;
4. Let go of all the stress in your muscles and feel your breath movement;
5. With eyes closed just focus on your breath.
6. Stay here for as long as you feel. Shavasana is beneficial for reducing headaches, insomnia, and fatigue while relaxing the body.
7. These are some simple types of yoga asanas. These yoga poses can be easily performed inside the house with the family. They not only bring flexibility to the body but also help in building inner strength. If there are any other asanas that you are doing with your family, then do share them with us!
So, which type of yoga asana are you practicing during COVID-19 lockdown? Share your picture or that of your family doing yoga on [email protected] and win yourself a chance to get featured on India’s leading parenting blogs.
by Ankit Mohan