The world is a space for the ones who perceive that tomorrow is just another day. The pursuit of happiness and positivity are trending and we indulge in everything under the sun to embrace them. Today we have not one but three real moms who found their path to eternal happiness. They are on a mission to break the gender stereotype and lean into the curves that life throws at them. Meanwhile, these three lady biker moms – Sheetal Shah, Sony Mathew, and Manoshi Mistry are reclaiming their individual spaces, spreading their (s)wings, acknowledging what’s out there. Riding away to glory, they tell us the tale of how being a mother and a lady biker inching towards bringing a real change.
“Riding at (and after) 40, I feel good” – Sheetal Shah

Sheetal Shah, the biker queen from the Silk city, Surat, is a go-getter and a self-acclaimed born winner. B.D.S Gold Medalist, M.D.S Periodontist, and Implantologist, Fellow Master and Diplomate in Implantology USA (ICOI), Fellow ITI (Switzerland), the list goes on. On the other hand, she has a family of dentists, with husband and daughter into dentistry. A full-time dental surgeon on the weekdays and a lady biker over weekends, Sheetal Shah is a dynamo. She completed levels 1,2,3 on the racing track at California Superbike School.
“For me, adventure biking is enthralling. Moreover, I believe in riding for a cause.”
Sheetal Shah
Sheetal proclaims that gender inequality remains a major obstacle to development. The stats are outrageous and surprising. In India, the problem is more deep-rooted. She was featured in The Times of India for a Solo drive to and fro Goa covering a distance of 1800 Km! Since then, being in the limelight has been a norm for this lady biker. It doesn’t end here. She has been a regular office-bearer in LOH, a lady bike riders group of the Harley Davidson owners.
She shares her adventure biking journey to inspire other lady bike riders. Undergoing a hysterectomy in 2018 has been a turning point in my life. Within a month, she bounced back to life as a woman biker, riding and cycling, shattering the shackles of gender inequality. To sum up, This biker queen has inspired lady bike riders for a new purpose. She sticks to one message for each one of us – literally and metaphorically, “Ride for a cause.”
“I am a proud single mom biker living my dream” – Sony Mathew

Sony Mathew is a butterfly born out of an iron cocoon. Hailing from the Queen of Arabian Sea, Kochi, she is a dental surgeon by qualification, businesswoman by profession, and lady biker by passion. She runs Party Store, where she delivers party decor, event management services coupled with Sony as the Master of Ceremony.
Brought up as an overprotected daughter, she was denied her due freedom throughout her life. Sony realized that gender inequality is not a fancy term but it was real. She nuzzled with her ultimate freedom when her father gave a go-ahead to live on her terms, in his death bed. “My siblings were still apprehensive,” says Sony. ” They worried because I broke my shoulder bone and pelvic bone in a 150cc bike. What would be the situation if I rode a 1000cc bike?” Sony likes to ride in the night, away from the traffic, and the scorching sun.
“What attracted me to riding is the power to break the shackles of gender inequality disguised in love and care. Initially, people used to stare at me when I would stop for a tea/coffee break. Being a solo female rider who prefers riding in the dark was an unheard and unseen concept to the passerbuys. But now I am a familiar face.”
Sony Mathew – About fighting for her freedom
Adventure biking, for her, has been the way to eternal freedom, to erase the gender lines. This lady biker inspires other girls to love themselves.
“To me, bike riding is like having a painkiller” – Manoshi Mistry

Manoshi is a passionate and professional lady biker. Her love story with DS Moto is going strong. It is a one-stop-shop for bikers to customize, service, and accessorize their machines. She has embraced her passion and discovered an outlet for the facets of herself that weren’t stimulated otherwise.
Manoshi fell in love with the “Detroit of India”, Chennai, and moved from Pune. Most importantly with her husband overseas, this biker queen single-handedly looks after her family, two daughters, DS Moto.
For her, the risks in adventure biking go with the stride. If you think that her solo K2K (Kashmir to Kanyakumari) ride was risky, she would say, “No, bravest was my solo ride to Agra passing through Gwalior post sundown.”
When I reached Chandigarh, I met two riders who said that they were detained by the police because it was not safe to ride. They had seized 20000 guns without a license that day.
Manoshi Mistry – About her bravest riding journey
She loves to do things that might sound mad to a common man/woman. Going on a solo ride to Ooty to celebrate her birthday would be one such ecstasy of this lady biker.
A tête-à-tête with these lady bike riders:
These biker queens didn’t have it easy but they tamed the wild beast with passion, perseverance, and implacable fire in the belly.
Let’s hear it from these lady bike riders about how they demolished the barrier of gender inequality with adventure biking.
Who marked the beginning of your journey as a lady biker and when?
Sheetal: My dad is my riding guru. He held my hands while I took the baby steps to be a lady bike rider at the age of 15. In no time, bikes faded away. They were replaced with dental floss and related dental equipment. It took me years and years to reconnect and rekindle my ultimate dream. It was on a cold December evening of 2014, that my husband brought home a handsome athlete for me – A Harley Davidson Street 750.
Every day from then on, he would take me riding after my practice at the clinic. That’s when I realized that adventure biking is in my blood.
Sony: I was a born rider!
I was a misfit in the gender child mold. I wanted to play with the ‘boys’ toys (read cars, figurines, etc.). In other words, Gender inequality (quite visible back in the day) shattered my dreams to own and ride a bike. ‘A lady need not own a bike!’, said somebody or everybody. I couldn’t digest the blatant attitude that this was par for the course and it stirred up my determination.

Manoshi: It started when I was 18. There was a boy whom I dearly loved. My companion, tutor, my greatest support – he taught me how to ride on a Bajaj scooter. A few years down the line, the boy upgraded to a handsome man and I grew along with him and upgraded to his wife and a lady biker. So did our chariot- from a Bajaj scooter to a Harley Davidson and now riding a BMW GS 1200.
What is it that attracts you the most about riding?
Sheetal: Riding is my expression of self-love, the time I give for myself. The intoxication in adventure biking for me is the roar of my 1855 cc 115th Anniversary limited edition Fatboy, with my riding gears and helmet. When I sway with the wind, I feel liberated from the customary life. Being one of the lady bike riders in India is a privilege.

Sony: When you are brought up in a society, that promotes gender inequality, that says you can’t do this and that, you will be stronger. What attracted me to riding is the freedom to break the shackles of gender inequality. Getting on the bike, ripping through the highways, wind in the air (of course with a helmet on) – it is my way of telling them that I am 40 and free.
Manoshi: Being a lady biker, I have experienced the weird stares and comments. But nothing could put out the fire in me because of the feeling of freedom that riding gave me.

How do your kids support their lady biker mom?
Sheetal: My teenage daughters (age 18 and 16) are my support system. Nonetheless, my long trips have always been alarming enough, thanks to Indian roads and erratic traffic. The news of riders losing their lives is worrisome. Despite the fears, they are proud to say, “Yes, our mom is a lady biker.” Unlike any other mother, I preferred to raise daring daughters (and not darling daughters). I gifted a bike to the elder one!
Sony: My sons aged 17 and 13 are my buddies. They have seen their mother burn out. Also, they saw a mother with crazy tattoos, speaking her mind – a gung-ho person. They are proud of the latter. There are situations when I, despite being a free spirit, stumbled upon my self-doubt. But my sons have more confidence in their mother than I. If I ask them, “Will I be able to do it?”, the answer would be, “If not you, who else?”
Manoshi: My daughters and I are always there for each other. My husband is abroad and hence we are a team of ladies who care for and protect each other. It is because of their independence and support that I could continue to be a lady bike rider. When I am on long-distance adventure biking trips, they take care of each other. My oldest daughter, a lady biker herself, owns a 150cc motorbike. So, it pretty much runs in the family.
Which is the most adventurous trip that you had?
Sheetal: That would be my first long ride, without any doubt. I took off from Surat to Indore – about a thousand kilometers to and fro. After that, Looking back, it was a risky adventure biking. Amidst the heavy rain, thunder, potholes that merged with the roads (as the roads remained namesake for kilometers) – I sustained on adrenaline.
Sony: Looking back it is a ride that is the most adventurous and the one that creeps me out. I set out for a one-day trip from Kochi to Munnar, Munnar to Thekkady, and back to Kochi – nearly 400 Kilometers straight in 24 hours. I have been on long trips but never one without rest like this. It was like I was on a “riders high”.
Manoshi: My most adventurous trip as a lady biker has been the longest, and a risky affair. Perhaps, the most gratifying adventure biking experience by far. I set out for a solo ride from Chennai to Kashmir, Kashmir to Kanyakumari, spanning 5000 plus kilometers along with another 3000 kilometers – All alone, my quality time, self-actualization, self-assessment, and my pride. When I reached Chandigarh, I fell and had a ligament tear. I didn’t want to leave it halfway. So I came back to Chennai, took two weeks’ rest, and resumed the trip. When I finished the K2K in 8 days, I felt I was on top of the world.
What is your future riding plan?
Sheetal: I am planning to ride to Ashram Shalas (schools for the underprivileged) over the weekends to donate the essentials. Seeing a lady biker brings a lot of excitement to the kids. In a society that hesitates to shed gender inequality, lady bike riders are still a rarity. Hence my trips can be exciting at different levels.
Sony: As impulsive, as I am, I don’t have any preset riding plans. I use my bike as an inspirational platform also. It is to show the women out there that if I can do it, you can. If I can stand amidst a bunch of men and speak for myself, you can.
So, whatever I do, wherever I go, every moment I remember how I overcame my self-doubt. Being a lady biker has helped me immensely, and I want to bring more girls to riding.
Manoshi: India is a land of picturesque beauty. I have made a list of places I want to visit and imbibe the beauty which seems manifold while you are on a bike. Also, I want to go on cross country trips with my husband.
The three lady biker moms have several aspects in common. One of them is their perspective towards riding. So, their primary advice to aspiring riders is not to take riding for granted, especially on superbikes. You are immensely responsible to take care of yourself and wear protective gear. Be mindful of yourself, other riders, drivers, pedestrians, cows, dogs, and every other living being. Don’t use your riding skills to intimidate others. Follow traffic rules, be responsible, and make others know that superbike riders are responsible.
We are short of words to express our gratitude towards the three three lady bike riders. Why? Because we have been talking relentlessly about eradicating gender inequality and promoting women empowerment. These women spoke it, rather screamed it loud with their lives. They started riding at a young age, bid adieu to their passion, and came back with more fervor at their forties. ‘Impossible’ shrunk to a meaningless illusion in their lives. They are an inspiration, to every woman who wants to be not only a lady biker but anything or anyone. Some call it adventure, but they call it life.
Woah, this is a very inspiring post. Women like these are giving us so much trust. I always feel the same: “One should never stop living, even after marriage, with children.” Each woman has her own identity, loves and dislikes.
Thats a kickass post about some kickass women. I had seen this video on YouTube prior and i absolute ecstatic for the entire day. Its inspirational. If you can birth the next generation then nothings impossible for you.
These biker moms are awe inspiring and are larger than life figures … I’m glad that you captured them in your article 😊💗
Woah this post is highly inspiring. Women like these give us so much confidence. I always feel the same, “One should never stop living their life even post-marriage or let’s say with kids too”. Every woman has her own identity, likes, dislikes, and ambitions 🙂
Every woman is a super woman. The lady bikers are the best treasure to India as a nation! Great thoughts.
Hatts off to these bold and brave mommies. They are truly an inspiration, they are showing the world that what else mom can do along with raising her kids.
Hats off to these brave ladies. They can be the inspiration for the women who can’t take any revolutionary steps against this patriarchal society. And thanks for sharing such encouraging stories with us.
Living your passion is a great virtue in life though age is not a factor and these ladies proved that too. It takes lots of effort for a woman to fullfill the dreams and that too after motherhood. Good to know about these biker moms.
Wow wow wow, read it like three times, feeling quite overwhelmed reading their experience and love for bikes. I am a bike lover too and owned a bike when I was in college. I wish I could carry my passion like them.
I am so fascinated by them honestly. They truly are an example of women power to the society. Inspiring post
The life and journeys of each one of these Lady Bikers are so inspiring. They are literally blazing a trail of their own and inspiring many others in their wake.
This is really awesome! Loved reading about these powerhouses. Really salute their guts for making a mark in a space known for men. And great to see how proud their kids are!
Wow I really enjoyed reading this post and knowing these women. While I cant even ride a cycle coz of my fear I always feel proud when I see any girl or a woman on bike and I dearly wish for my daughter to ride it one day too. My husband also desires the same.
This is soooo inspiring. These women have inspired me to take a leap of faith and start things I am adrain of starting. Thanks for sharing such beautiful stories on this platform.
I really love biking and now can’t do that often, so happy to know that she can and making her dreams true!! Really inspiring
This post is so inspiring. These women are the true flag bearers of women empowerment. Our gender does not decide what we can do.
Wow this is really impressive. I had a great positive feeling after reading the amazing story of these super cool biker moms. indeed women are real super heroes and they can do anything if they truly want. thanks a lot Vaishali and team for always sharing something unique with your each blog post. I would love to say again that “You are my favorite queen of bloggiwood”.
So happy to know these bold, brave, beautiful biker mums. They are such an inspiration to women and especially the younger generation. Becoming a mother doesn’t limit you anymore.
These women are incredible. I have never dared to drive a two-wheeler. While no adventure is without risks, hats off to these brave women.
Its amazing that these women are enjoying their life as adventurous bikers.The point is its their choice and they love doing it.A very interesting read.
These women are crushing it and how! I was super inspired by sheetal who started seriously t the age of 40 making it clear that age is just a number.
A wonderful inspiring post. It was fun knowing about them and seeing them achieving so much. It makes me happy to see the other woman rise and being a mom is not end to anything, one can follow their passion and do what they love. Hope to hear more such exciting inspiring stories.
Wooohhh! Must say “why should boys have all the fun”😀😀😎💯👍i wish I could drive gear bike anyways lot of respect and support to this Bravo’s 💯✌️
Really wonderful super moms – they are amazingly adventurous, very much determined to redefine womanhood. Hats off to you threesome
This is so inspirational. High respect to all the ladies, who breaking all the stereotypes and prove themselves. Thanks for sharing this with us. Feeling proud to be she.👍
I’m so happy that I’m reading this post today!! This is such an empowering and inspiring post! Thanks for reaching out those amazing Ladies. It’s really encouraging.
Very nice and inspiration posts about women following their passion that too biking , felt so good
This post is impressive also inspiring momeis in bike racing that’s something really awesome
Woww this is so cool and fierce 🔥🔥🔥 Proud of these women riding their way out🥳
Riding was my passion before marriage, wanna do badly again. Hope will get a chance
Very proud to read this about my friends. Amazing women indeed! 👏 Keep it up girls .
Glad to know the stories of these superwomen, kudos to their will power dedication they are inspiration.
The lady bikers are a true asset to India as a nation! I had read about them earlier as well! Commendable journey!
These women are super women, because they did something that most of women wouldn’t be able to! 🥰Hats off to these wonderful ladies, they are inspiration for others, they are role models to follow! ❤️Great post dear! 🙏🏻
This is truly inspiring . I just read the first two lines and I was so captivated that I couldn’t resist myself to read the whole blog. Women Power 🔥
This is truly inspiring . I just read the first two lines and I was so captivated that I couldn’t resist myself to read the whole blog. Women Power 🔥 Thanks for sharing ❤️
Beautiful inspiring post 💯 thanku so much for sharing between us🙏✅ super Womaniya 🥰 loved it 🥳
So many great inspiration from these wonderful women we have ❤️❤️
Wow such an inspiring post. I personally adore lady biker with full of tattoos they look so cool. This post is one of inspirational post for the many girls like us. I feel like no any girls/women should get scared to do dare in their lives and most importantly do what makes you happy. Salute to the biker ladies keep us inspiring more 🙏
These are super women…. so courageous… they are giving an inspiration.. and breaking the gender stereotype.. kudos to them.
It’s so beautiful to see women achieve what they dream of.
I take my hat off to all the women out there that are inspirational to others💕🥰
These superwomen truly inspire us and make us think how much we can do…!!! Girls can do anything, these lady bikers are true example..!! So inspirational this article is…!!! Bravo girls..!!
This blog gave me so much of inspiration ❤❤🤩🤩 hats off to these brave , bold super mom❤❤ loved your blog a lot❤
Hats off to these incredible women . They are so bold and inspiring ❤️❤️❤️
This was so much fun reading! Amazing women! Doing what they enjoy, the most important lesson they taught!
All of these women are incredible! They are absolutely amazing as they inspire and empower other women through their words and actions. Really enjoyed reading this article 💖
Dreams have no age bars 😊kudos to all these beautiful souls who have achieved them and also are helping others to get the courage to dream
What an excellent read. A complete pack of motivation. Such women’s are role models for us and yes it’s an high time to break the gender stereotypes and work on your mental sanity as well.
Every woman is a super woman and there is nothing in this world which we cannot achieve.Thank you for telling us about these super women out there who are breaking all kinds of barriers and setting an example for everyone ❤i salute them and their spirit
These moms are super inspiring and actually teaching us to live life the way we see fit! I loved reading about these super moms! Such a feel good article this is ❤️
It was so insprational blog…I love bike riding and this blog gave me a lot motivation to go on ride wid my bike….I think every mom is wonderwoman..espeically these mom..Hats off to their courage.. Great blog di…✌
wow such an inspiring post. I always support women empowerment not just because I am a woman but because I am a daughter and my mom have always been my super woman. This is such an inspiring blog💗 keep up the pace dear🤗
Girl can do everything thing even she is unmarried or married….. You just stole my heart.. Just keep it up 🤗🤗🤗🤗
These women are so strong i love to read about them its so difficult being a women this gives us inspiration to accomplish our goals ❤️💗hats off to them
Thanks for sharing this storyyy i love to read about itt its so difficult being a women this gives us inspiration to accomplish our goals ❤️💗
Thanks for sharing this storyyy i love to read about itt its so difficult being a women this gives us inspiration to accomplish our goals ❤️💗
These ladies are so motivating. They are truly inspiring for many women who want to pursue their passion in life 💕
Who says women are weak or women cannot do anything.. Hats off to these bold and brave women/mothers who keep is inspiring.
I am really proud of all those women. As a female myself, they’re a huge inspiration to all of us! They teach us to dream big and achieve high. Loved your blog♥
Girls can do anything Nd everything 🙂 this blog is a real inspiration to all the women…. Such a inspiring blog 😊 loved your writing Rakhi Di 🧡🧡
Hats off to all these amazing, brave and bold women👍🏻 This is so inspiring 👍🏻
These moms are better be called super moms…. they are strong, bold and beautiful…..
I loved each of their stories, so inspiring and motivating 👍. Looking forward for more energizing, fun loving people’s lives
I loved each of their stories, so inspiring and motivating 👍👍👍
Kudos to these courageous women who are challenging the stereotypes and showing up there’s nothing a woman cannot do! So so proud of these!
Kudos to all of you especially my sister Dr. Sheetal Shah
After reading your article, it really makes be happy to see these women to follow their passion and be happy with themseleves and these women are really inspiring. Thank you for sharing for this article.
This is awesome. Proud of them.. They do not just inspire us , but give us goals..
Wow..that’s really incredible..there is nothing on the world that women can do..womens are really strong
This blog is a real inspiration to all the women in the world that we can do anything and everything in the world..if we have the will!!! Kiddos👏👏👏
There is nothing in this world which women can’t do these days . So why this inequality of course .. High Respect and salute to these women. They are an inspiration ❤️
Nice to know that
This is really nice
I really like this blog, thank you ❤️
Wow how incredible are these women😘 breaking all stereotypes and setting a wonderful example for everyone 💕 love these strong women
Wooohhh! Wish I could drive gear bike😍hats off to this Bravo’s 👍💯
Wooohhh! Wish I could drive gear bike😍hats off to this Bravo’s👍
I am glad to know these ladies as they are a true example of women’s empowerment. Thanks for sharing their stories and special thanks to the author Rakhi of the article for sharing the story.
Hats off to the brave, bold and super women ❤️ really inspired by this blog ☺️ being a mom doesn’t mean you life is end but life must go on and fulfill our dreams and passions ❤️🙏🏻 Beautiful inspiring Blog thnx for sharing their stories ☺️
They are superwoman 😀hatss off to them riding bike actually needs courage.salute to them
These are the super women . They are giving us courage to dream high . It is a nice write up . ❤️ Loved it
Such a nice Post ✨
Proud to know that there are women like them who can inspire many more women to actually prove what is women empowerment in the true sense. The article is really informative and a good one. Round of applause for the author of this article Rakhi Jayashankar