4 Reasons Why I Chose R For Rabbit Diaper For My Baby!

The market of diapers is a highly competitive sector, and brands are competing neck to neck. Now and then, new brands are claiming to be the best and shelling out all sorts of promises. This makes choosing the correct diaper for your baby even more difficult than ever. The replacing of cloth nappies with diapers turned out to be a godsend, and at the same time, came with stumbling blocks of their own.

Soha Ali Khan holding R for Rabbit Feather Diapers

Troubles like rash, infections, itchiness, etc were issues caused by diapers. I too was confused in the beginning, as to which brand of diapers would be best for my little one. Like others, I played it safe and opted for the popular brands thinking these are the best for my kid. But then I faced the same complications, diaper rash and infections. My baby used to be in so much despair, and I could feel her discomfort.

Then, R for Rabbit diapers came to the rescue; I was introduced to them by my friend. These are a blessing in disguise as the quality, and material and have been given in-depth thought. After using them for my baby, I can say they are the best baby diaper in India, and I will tell you why.

R for Rabbit Diapers – Try them before you buy’em:

Honestly! Initially, I was the only who bought the sample pack of R for Rabbit diaper, since not many mothers in my circle. I did not want to buy an entire pack because if the brand did not suit my kid, it would be a waste of money. But do you know the brand gives you an option, where you could purchase 2 or 3 diapers. Try them before you get the entire packet of diapers. 

This was the best baby diaper online option R for Rabbit had introduced. I got the sample diapers and used them for my baby. I was amazed, everything I read and heard about these diapers was true. Without any hesitation, I ordered the pack for my baby, and since that day, I am a fan of the R for Rabbit diaper collection.

1. Diaper size by weight and not age

Unlike other brands, R for Rabbit diapers has sizes per your baby’s weight and not by age. It is a fact that babies do not have a standard weight for a particular baby. Each child’s body is different from others and choosing diapers on an age basis is impractical. Diapers for a newborn baby with the standard size extra-small or small don’t need to fit a newborn, and the same goes for baby diapers medium size. Look at the microscopic details taken care of by R for Rabbit. Now you can buy the exact size for your baby based on their weight instead of age.

2. Thin and high-quality baby diapers online

R for Rabbit diapers may be small in size, but they are overloaded with features that outshine other baby diapers online. Firstly they are thin and made of high-quality materials. They are chemical-free (0% Paraben/Latex/Fragrance/ Phthalates/Chlorine), making them safe for your baby’s sensitive skin. Secondly, being super thin, they are light in weight, and fit well on your baby. Therefore, the chances of slipping down are less and also take up minimum space in your baby bag.

diaper for newborn

3. Goodbye to diaper rashes and infections

Mothers… Your nightmares now are over, say goodbye to those diaper rashes as R for Rabbit diapers have 10 million breathable pores, which allow air to pass while preventing rashes and other infections. It also helps remove the odour from the diapers.

4. Time to change the diaper indicator and easy disposal

Yes, parents, forget peeking into your kid’s diapers to see if it’s time to change them. No wonder they are the best diapers in India/ They have an indicator on the diaper that turns blue, letting you know when your baby needs a diaper change. They have an absorption capacity of up to 12hrs, which allows my baby to sleep better at night.

diaper for newborn

Another plus point is the less messy disposal method introduced by R for Rabbit diapers as these diapers have a disposal tape on them. So when I have to dispose of my child’s soiled diaper, all I got to do is wrap it in tape and chuck it in the diaper bin.


R for Rabbit diaper is the choice of maximum mothers, switch to these diapers for the benefit of your baby just like I did. Don’t think much, and order the sample diaper to try them on and let the diaper convince you to become a fan. Trust me you will fall in love with the best diapers in India.

Author: Vaishali Sudan Sharma

Mom blogger, books lover, fan of new wave cinema, fond of jazz, lounge and classical music. Love to cook Indian & Italian cuisine.

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