Education in The COVID-19 pandemic took a different form as we all know. Long gone were the days of noisy classrooms and silent libraries. Schools were now being forced to function remotely with students being stuck to computer or mobile phone screens to carry on their learning. The entire world experienced this disorder and the situation in India was no different. However, there were some schools that aced the transition from offline to online by undertaking a hybrid curriculum. If you are wondering what is hybrid teaching, here’s a close look at how Vishwajyot High School created magic by being on the mission to change the way we look at online education!

What is hybrid curriculum?
A hybrid curriculum combines both online and offline class time to deliver a holistic education to children. The hybrid homeschool curriculum may have been a product of the pandemic. It is safe to say that the hybrid curriculum is here to stay and is expected to increase its resonance across schools. Above all, a hybrid curriculum allows students and teachers to switch seamlessly between online and offline classes. This will ensure students and teachers remain motivated, engaged and happy. This will go a long way in dramatically cutting down on the risks of in-person teaching.
Advantages of a hybrid curriculum:
If you are still not sure what is hybrid teaching or what a hybrid model in teaching means, then you must read on to understand some of its advantages as experienced by Vishwajyot High School. This is why they are reinstating their mission and ensuring the parents and children are able to benefit.

Combines personalization with convenience
A hybrid curriculum allows a child to lead a normal life as they learn. It goes beyond the mere confines of notebooks and books to create a nourishing environment for holistic learning. This makes education a personalized experience that is crafted to the needs of the child. The simultaneous combination of personalization and convenience ensures the child learns on the go and at their own pace.

Offers learning environment adapted to student’s needs
In a class of 30 students or more, it is difficult to address a student’s individual needs and learning patterns. Thus, a hybrid model of teaching is designed to take this into account and focus on every child’s needs across platforms. This process makes for a customized learning experience that ensures concepts and ideas are grasped better by children.
Safety of students
A key component of the ‘what is hybrid teaching’ answer lies in the safety of the students. We are in a time when the world is avoiding crowding and excessive socialization to keep everyone safe. So there is no reason why schools, where the future of the country is crafted, should be kept vulnerable. A hybrid homeschool program ensures children learn from the safety of their homes and also interact in small numbers as and when required.
One school leading the hybrid curriculum meaning with examples
If you are on the lookout for a school that has aced the hybrid model of teaching, then there is one school that stands out, Vishwajyot High School. A chain from the western part of India is located in Navi Mumbai (with other branches in Maharashtra). Their process of teaching and learning never got hindered due to the pandemic as the school was fast to adapt to a hybrid homeschool curriculum.
The no. 1 ranked school from the Times School Survey 2021, believes education goes beyond textbooks. It involves experiencing the world through exposure. Learning at Vishwajyot never stops as was seen during the pandemic. They approached what is known as a hybrid program. At each and every stage of the child’s education, he or she gets the freedom to discover the extraordinary within himself/herself. They very well answer what is a hybrid curriculum.

Personalized learning for every child
The adoption of a hybrid homeschool program at Vishwajyot High School allows children to discover the extraordinary in the world, and within them. Moreover, they personalize learning for every child and enable them to apply their learnings to real-world situations. Their hybrid curriculum is based on the fact that in the younger grades, children should be provided various opportunities to learn through stories, imagination, and fantasy.
Having such a hybrid curriculum helps in building creative confidence and communication skills. It also sets them up for success for their entire school life. In addition to this, they have personalized programs based on hybrid curriculums for learning Math and English. This ensures that no child is left behind or gets bored in the class. Students at Vishwajyot go beyond laboratory experiments and engage in field trips and real-world projects. This helps them to understand the use of concepts learned in subjects ranging from Physics and Biology to Math and History.
What the future holds can never be written in certain teams. However, the factors that will shape it are sure to modulate it. It will call for changed working and learning patterns affecting the lives of students, teachers and organizations alike. In conclusion, a hybrid curriculum can very well be expected to be the next big leap in education with institutions customizing it to their student’s learning needs.
Education has undergone a paradigm shift because of the pandemic. Online teaching has evolved overnight as a major means of imparting learning
Hybrid teaching is although a new concept for me but after reading your article I can say it will be really helpful in future. This way of education will be great.
This pandemic situation has brought many changes in our day to day life especially educational field. This hybrid education is quite interesting . Thank you for sharing more ’bout tis
COVID 19 made alot of changes in our education system. We have seen a much bigger change in these few years. Hybrid learning is something unique and interesting. Thank you for sharing about this.
The hybrid mode of learning though is one of the latest methodologies, it is in for a permanent stay in the education modes. The advantages you’ve mentioned definitely make it have an upper hand for it to continue to be adopted
Hybrid Teaching is something very new concept to me and I thank you for showering some light on the subject. Thank you so much
Education has undergone a paradigm shift because of the pandemic. Online teaching has evolved overnight as a major means of imparting learning. I guess the Hybrid system of teaching is now going to be the order of the day.
I did not heard about hybrid curriculum before but after reading this post felt that it is best way to support overall personality development of kids. it has many impressive features. thanks a lot for sharing all details about it.