Natural Ways To Boost Your Family’s Immune System

Having a strong immune system is beneficial all the time for yourself and your family. Of course, boosting your immune system isn’t enough to protect you from the threat of all bacteria and viruses, but it can go a long way. Boost the immune system naturally with zero dependencies on any OTC medication! How? Well, read on…

When you have a strong immune system and your children do as well, it can help you not only avoid more illnesses but if you do end up getting sick, it may be less severe and be shorter in duration. Check out the life-changing strategies to boost the immunity system for kids and adults

Immune System - Green vegetables

We’ve listed down 6 natural ways to boost your’s and your loved ones’ immune system.

When it comes to immune-boosting tips for children, they’re typically very similar to the tips adults should follow. The following are things you can do to give your system a boost year-round, and luckily these tips are good for your all-around health as well. 

6 Ways to boost immune system naturally:

1. Get outdoors:

Going outdoors as much as possible is good for your entire family’s immune system, as well as your mental health. 

You don’t need any special equipment to get outside and get some exercise and fresh air. 

When you go outside, first of all, you’re getting vitamin D from the sun. Vitamin D is important to ensure your immune system functions properly, and it’s also necessary for the health of your bones and blood cells. 

When you have adequate vitamin D, it helps you absorb minerals like calcium.

Just getting around 5 to 15 minutes of sunlight a few times a week can ensure you get enough vitamin D. 

When you spend time in nature, it can also reduce your stress and anxiety, and that’s good for immunity. 

2. Supplement strategically

Supplements can be good if you think that your family isn’t getting enough of a certain vitamin or mineral from your diet. Always check with your doctor and your children’s doctor before starting any supplement, however. 

Vitamin C is an important thing that you may need to supplement with. 

If you can’t get enough natural sunlight, you might want to consider a vitamin D supplement, and zinc is also important for your immune system. 

For kids, your best bet might be a multivitamin designed specifically for children’s needs, especially if they’re picking eaters and don’t eat a varied diet. 

3. Stay hydrated

For you, your children, and everyone in your family, hydration isn’t just important for your immunity, but every aspect of your health. 

When you’re dehydrated, it can impact your digestion and even the functionality of your kidneys and heart which can make you more susceptible to viruses and other illnesses. 

Water is the best thing to drink to stay hydrated because the juice and other types of drinks can have a lot of sugar.  

If you have older adults in your family, you’ll really have to encourage them to drink enough water throughout the day because older people can lose the urge to drink. 

4. Exercise regularly

When you exercise, even just moderately, it can boost your immune system. Regular moderate exercise can also reduce inflammation, and inflammation can affect your immune cells. 

Make exercise a family affair. Ride bikes, go for walks, or hike with your family. 

The goal should be a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week. 

5. Eat fermented or probiotic foods

Fermented foods include yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut and these foods can help populate your digestive system with healthy bacteria called probiotics.

When your gut has enough healthy bacteria, it helps your body regulate your immune system and understand and recognize the differences between healthy cells and invaders. 

If you don’t eat foods that are fermented, taking a probiotic supplement is another option. 

6. Get plenty of sleep

Right now, it’s possible that you and even your children are having difficulties getting enough sleep. There’s a lot of stress and uncertainty in the world, and parents and their kids can feel this. 

Try your best to ensure everyone gets enough sleep, though, because it can help your immune system be strong and healthy. 

If you’re having a hard time getting enough sleep, maybe you avoid screen time too close to the bed or work on limiting how much news you consume each day. 

As an adult, you should get at least seven hours of sleep a night. Teens need anywhere from 8 to 10 hours a night, and children and infants need as much as 14 hours of sleep a night. 

Finally, try to include as many whole foods in your diet as you can. This includes fruits and vegetables as well as nuts and seeds. Whole foods have antioxidants that can combat inflammation and keep you feeling your best.  

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