- Easy general knowledge questions and answers – Age group 3-5 years
- Easy General Knowledge questions and answers – Age group 6-8 years:
- Easy General Knowledge questions and answers – Age group 9-12 years:
- Trivia questions for teens:
- Coming back to younger kids, we present to you some fun odd one out questions:
The world is moving ahead at a very rapid pace. There is no dearth of information and to be very precise it is flowing from everywhere! General Knowledge is not directly linked to a person’s current academic skills but concentrates more on overall knowledge and information available.
To put it short it is something which has been accumulated over a period of time which spans across multiple topics. The current times we are living in is actually a great time to start developing a piece of new knowledge or skill. And why should our kids be behind in this?
Thus presenting to you 100 easy general knowledge questions and answers for kids. These general knowledge questions and answers will not only hone one’s intellect but will also promote overall personality development.

It is a well-known fact that general knowledge is not only for competitive exams. In fact, toddlers or preschoolers don’t even fall in that category. They are the ones who have just started school and have begun to absorb things and nuances from their surroundings.
These easy General knowledge questions will widen their horizon and force them to think beyond academics! It is also a skill people acquire in their day to day life from their immediate surroundings.
Easy general knowledge questions and answers – Age group 3-5 years
1. How many months are there in a year?
Answer: Twelve (12)
2. How many sense organs does a human body have?
Answer: Five (ear, nose, eyes, tongue, skin)
3. How many seasons are there?
Answer: Four (summer, autumn, winter, And Spring)
4. What are the three main modes of transport?
Answer: Land, Air, Water
5. Name the national symbols of India.
Answer: National flag, national emblem, national bird (peacock), national fruit (mango), national animal (tiger)
6. How many colors are there in a rainbow?
Answer: Seven
7. Name any three useful machines around us.
Answer: Air conditioner, vacuum cleaner, laptop
8. What is the national language of France?
Answer: French
9. How many days are there in a week?
Answer: Seven (7)
10. How many types of plants are there?
Answer: Four (Trees, shrubs, herbs, bushes)
11. What is the currency of India?
Answer: Rupee
12. Which is the fastest land animal on Earth?
Answer: Cheetah
13. Which is the smallest bird in the world?
Answer: Humming Bird
14. Who is known as the Iron Man of India?
Answer: Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
15. How many days are there in a week?
Answer: Seven
Easy General Knowledge questions and answers – Age group 6-8 years:
16. Which planet is called the Blue Planet?
Answer: Earth
17. Which is the first biosphere reserve in India?
Answer: Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve Tamil Nadu
18. The largest freshwater lake in the world?
Answer: Lake Superior North America
19. Who was Albert Einstein?
Answer: Albert Einstein was a famous scientist
20. How many primary colors are there?
Answer-Three (red, yellow, blue)
21. Does the United Nations Organization have its Headquarters at?
Answer: New York, USA
22. Which is the largest desert in Asia?
Answer: Gobi Desert
23. Which is the coldest location in the earth?
Answer: East Antarctica
24. Which is the country which has the Great Barrier Reef?
Answer: Australia
25. What is the nearest star to earth
Answer: Sun
26. What is the name of the first woman space tourist?
Answer: Anousheh Ansari
27. March 3 is celebrated as?
Answer: World Wildlife Day
28. Which country are the Giza Pyramids in?
Answer: The Giza Pyramids are in Egypt
29. Which is the tallest animal on the earth?
Answer: Giraffe
30. Name any reptile?
Answer: Lizard
Easy General Knowledge questions and answers – Age group 9-12 years:
31. What crop is famously grown in the region of Darjeeling?
Answer: Tea leaves
32. Which way is anti-clockwise, left, or right?
Answer: Left
33. Which is the most widely spoken language in the world?
Answer: Mandarin (Chinese)
34. Who is the inventor of Television?
Answer: John Logie Baird
35. Which is the instrument used to measure Blood pressure?
Answer: Sphygmomanometer
36. Which African nation is famous for chocolate?
Answer: Ghana
37. ‘Stars and Stripes’ is the nickname of the flag of which country?
Answer: United States of America
38. What is the name of the Greek God of music?
Answer: Apollo
39. Which is the smallest bone in the human body?
Answer: Stapes (Ear bone)
40. What is the currency of China?
Answer: Renminbi
41. Which two parts of the body continue to grow for your entire life?
Answer: Nose and Ears
42. What color symbolizes peace?
Answer: White
43. During which year did World War I begin?
Answer: 1914
44. What is the name of the biggest rain forest in the world?
Answer: Amazon
45. Where is Karachi located?
Answer: Pakistan
46. Who is the inventor of the aero plane?
Answer: The Wright brothers
47. Which day is observed as World Environment Day?
Answer: June 5
48. Which is the tallest mountain in the world?
Answer: Mount Everest
49. Who invented electricity?
Answer: Benjamin Franklin
50. Which is the most sensitive organ in our body?
Answer: Skin
Trivia questions for teens:
Trivia questions for teens take another turn, as it becomes an important this part of their academics.
General knowledge is supposed to be very crucial at this stage as a major percentage of children can even make a career out of this subject.
Administrative services, public sector enterprise jobs and journalism are examples of such career paths.
51. What is the royal title of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?
Answer: The Duke of Sussex and the Duchess of Sussex
52. Where were the first Commonwealth Games held?
Answer: Hamilton
53. When and where was the first atomic bomb dropped?
Answer: In 1945 at Hiroshima, Japan
54. Is the temperature of the moon higher or lower during the day
Answer: Higher
55. What makes up (approx.) 80% of our brain’s volume?
Answer: Water
56. Name three countries that have English as the most commonly spoken language?
Answer: English is most commonly spoken in the United States of America, England, and Canada
57. Who was the 44th president of the United States?
Answer: Barack Obama
58. What is the old name of Russia?
Answer: Russia was previously called the Soviet Union
59. Name three powerful currencies of the world?
Answer: #1 Kuwaiti Dinar [1 KWD = 3.25 USD]
#2 Bahraini Dinar [1 BHD = 2.65 USD]
#3 Omani Rial [1 OMR = 2.60 USD]
60. Which is the shallowest ocean in the world?
Answer: The Arctic Ocean
61. Which period came first, the Jurassic or Triassic?
Answer: The Triassic Period
62. Which is the largest and tallest tree in the world?
Answer: Sequoiadendron giganteum or California redwood
63. In which country is Machu Picchu, an ancient city, located?
Answer: The Republic of Peru
64. Which is the largest landlocked country in the world?
Answer: Kazakhstan
65. Who is the author of the famous novel Pride and Prejudice?
Answer: Jane Austen
66. Which Irish political movement is named after a phrase translating into “We ourselves”?
Answer: Sinn Fein
67. In opposition to World War I, what grew popular in the 1920s?
Answer: Jazz and dancing
68. Who was the first film star to appear on a postage stamp?
Answer: Grace Kelly
69. What is the birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte?
Answer: Corsica, France
70. Tennis player Novak Djokovic belongs to which country?
Answer: Serbia
SR Serbia, Yugoslavia
Coming back to younger kids, we present to you some fun odd one out questions:
71. Peacock, Cat, Parrot, Sparrow.
Answer: Cat
72. Medicine, Ointment, Computer, Injection.
Answer: Computer
73. Happy, Snake, Joy, Sorrow.
Answer: Snake
74. Lunch, Dinner, Photo, Breakfast.
Answer: Photo
75. Television, History, Science, Math
Answer: Television
76. Handball, Football, Volleyball, Dance.
Answer: Dance
77. Ball, Popcorn, Basket, Whistle.
Answer: Popcorn
78. Ruler, Sharpener, Pen, Apple.
Answer: Apple
79. Flute, Bell, Piano, Drum.
Answer: Bell
80. Jump-rope, Play Ball, Hide & Seek, Eat lunch.
Answer: Eat lunch
81. Name this famous monument.
Answer: Statue of Liberty
82. Name this famous person who pioneered the Freedom Movement in India?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
83. Name the country to which this flag belongs?

84. Identify this famous personality.
Answer: AR Rehman

85. In which country are these famous ruins located?
Answer: Peru

86. Name this famous person who invented the light bulb.
Answer- Thomas Edison

87. Name the famous businessman plus one of the biggest philanthropists across the world.
Answer: Bill Gates

88. Name this lady who has served as the Ceo of Pepsico.
Answer: Indra Nooyi

89. Name the bird?
Answer: Cassorway

90. Name this ancient wonder.
Answer: Pyramids of Giza

91. Identify this famous ancient civilization.
Answer: Mesopotamia

92. Identify this professional footballer.
Answer: David Beckham

93. Identify this famous duo.
Answer: Edmund Hillary & Tenzing Norgay

94. Name this famous British author.
Answer: J.K. Rowling

95. Identify the person below:
Answer: Neil Armstrong

96. Name this famous Pakistani Activist.
Answer: Malala Yousafzai

97. Identify this famous personality.
Answer: Mark Zuckerberg

98. Identify the below person who has served as the President of South Africa.
Answer: Nelson Mandela

99. Who is the Duchess of Cambridge?
Answer: Kate Middleton
100. Identify this famous sprinter.
Answer: Usain Bolt

Nice information… amazing