Green tea, made from the plant Camellia Sinensis, originated in China but now its production is spread across the globe. But it’s more than just a tea because it has many medicinal properties.
Various studies have proven several of its health benefits, ranging from better digestion to helping with Alzheimer’s.

Benefits of green tea:
It is one of the less processed teas of the world because of which it has antioxidants and polyphenols, which help to keep us healthy in many ways. We all know that. But do you know the exact benefits of green tea? No? Let’s find out.
There are many green tea brands available in the market, but to find out which is the best among all is quite hectic. Although the benefits of drinking green tea are the same, the thing that really matters is the quality.
Below are the 7 of the many benefits of drinking green tea.
1. Helps improve brain function
Green tea is more than just a beverage to keep you hydrated, it also helps improve brain function. That’s because of the amount of caffeine present in this tea.
It doesn’t contain as much caffeine as coffee does but just enough to keep its benefits. And that’s not the only compound it has. There’s a compound called L-theanine in it along with amino. All three of them work together to help your neurons function better.

2. May help burn fat
Green tea may increase the metabolic rate of your body and help the fat burn faster. Several studies have shown that this type of tea increases calorie burning rate while some show increase in fat oxidation. Other studies show several of the benefits but don’t mention anything about fat burning, so it might also depend on an individual’s body functions as well.
3. Helps protect against cancer
Oxidative damage can lead to chronic inflammation in turn leading to chronic diseases like cancer.
But as mentioned above, green tea is abundant in antioxidants. These antioxidants help to shield your body against cancer.
Research shows drinking green tea might reduce the risk of cancers like breast cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, etc. since the people who drink it regularly are less likely to develop several types of cancers.
4. Helps against aging
It helps in digestion by making it better, plus helps with the neurons in your brain through autoxidation which keeps your blood and body healthy. When your body is healthy from the inside, it tends to look healthy from the outside.
The antioxidants help protect your skin’s collagen from sun damage and other aging signs. Also the antioxidant named ECGC present in green tea also helps in reducing wrinkles by increasing cell turnover, which makes you look younger as well.
5. Helps prevent type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is caused by insulin resistance or the inability to produce it in the first place. Several studies show that green tea improves insulin sensitivity and reduces blood sugar levels, which helps reduce your risks of getting type 2 diabetes.
A study consisting of Japanese individuals stated that green tea drinkers had almost 42% less risk of getting type 2 diabetes.

6. Helps reduce cholesterol
When it comes to heart-related diseases, they’re the leading cause of death worldwide. Diseases like stroke and other heart diseases are mostly because of the cholesterol instability in our body.
And several studies prove green tea to be one of the solutions. It improves your total cholesterol levels and LDL cholesterol levels along with increasing antioxidant capacity of the blood which reduces your risk of dying from a stroke or any other cardiovascular disease.
7. Increases memory
As we grow old, the memory becomes a major issue for us. We tend to forget stuff easily. It can be natural or because of diseases. But several studies state that green tea increases the cognitive functions of the brain, hence proving to be a good treatment for memory issues and disorders like dementia. It has also been proven to help with diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s by increasing the capacity of our brain functions.
There are several other benefits of green tea aside from these 7 like improving skin conditions, improving arthritis, and preventing dental cavities along with chronic fatigue. And these are only the ones that have been studied.
There are several more studies happening to find out all the possible usage. So, we suggest that you start drinking it regularly to keep yourself healthy and protect yourself against several diseases.
Literally speaking green tea has huge benefits – In a nutshell – it is a fountain of youth. Exceptional article and very good information. It would have been better had you covered a few more advantages of drinking green tea.