As a child, I remember my favourite teacher in school always spoke about the importance of reading. She always mentioned how books would become our best friend as we start reading. It is a well-known fact that establishing strong reading habits right from the beginning is very effective for cognitive development of a child. When I started reading, I remember how my mind wandered to places with the characters vivid and alive in front of me. Right now, having become a voracious reader, safe to say, it isn’t just a hobby, but a full-time job I totally love. I can read whenever I want, whatever I want and that’s the beauty of being a reader, the variety of books to choose from.

What started as a mere hobby by reading picture books, story-books at a younger age, has now catapulted into reading novels spanning across genres. The joy a new book brings to me is unparalleled. I can read for hours together and still never felt tired. I remember most of the books I owned were from Harper Collins and they were by authors I absolutely adored. Their wide range of books to choose from further ignited the reading bug in me. What I wish I had back then, was access to the Harper Collin-I can read program.
HarperCollins- I Can Read Program:
With the Harper Collins-I Can Read program, kids today are in for a ride as they begin their interaction with books in a phased manner that makes the whole process engaging yet extremely enjoyable for them. With this program, the little budding readers get a glimpse into the world of fiction created for them via the I can read program.

As a child, with a vulnerable, curious mind, there is nothing better than reading to fuel their imagination and help speed up their mental development. Research has shown that kids who start reading at a young age have a stronger command over their vocabulary. They build up comprehension skills with an increased attention span. In addition, increased confidence level to create interesting interactions with their peers and people around them.
The Harper Collins- I Can read program is the nudge in the right direction for kids to get onto reading. For parents struggling to engage their kids with zero screen, this is the perfect way to start off. The levels as part of the Harper Collins-I Can Read program help your child get acquainted with books in a phased manner. This makes the experience enjoyable for them, letting them take baby steps. This opens up a whole new world of imagination that their curious minds enjoy exploring and living up to.
My First I Can Read

The first level in this program is the “My First I Can Read” which includes books like “I See You Saw”, “Biscuit Loves A Library” and “Biscuit Wins a Prize” and many more contain basic language, with whimsical illustrations which are the perfect starter to begin your child’s tryst with reading. These short stories have compelling plots, which engage them right from the word go with their loveable characters forming a sense of relatability as well.
I can read level 1 program

Once the basic reading foundation forms, you move onto the next level in the Harper Collins-I Can read program which is the I Can Read-Level 1 program. This level includes books like Danny and the dinosaur, Little Bears Visit, My Cat Sat on the Mat and also Little Bear. This is perfect for your kids who are just beginning to talk and can speak basic words and sentences. The sentences in the books in the I Can Read -Level 1 category use easy to pronounce, familiar words that help the child understand the story. They feel more involved with the reading process. They are also full of the most adorable characters with some fun story-lines.
I can read level 2 program

Moving on, would be the I Can Read- Level 2 program, a step forward in the life of the emergent readers. At this level, the kids are more confident, have a stronger foundation and sense of relatability into the world of their favourite characters. This level has books like Frog and Toad are friends, Plants vs Zombies, Save your Brains! etc. They are books that offer slightly complex story-lines, longer sentences and more challenging words to help get started on vocabulary building. With a range in genres and plots, this level is the much-needed push in the right direction for kids who are now immersive readers but need the help.
I can read level 3 program

The third and final level in the Harper Collins I Read program is the I Can Read-Level 3. This includes a lot of fun subjects for kids who enjoy reading on their own. By this time, kids are more confident, (product of reading), they consider reading as a sign of independence and prefer reading on their own at their own will. They develop the “I Can Read” attitude which will definitely take them a long way. This level explores themes like friendship, science, adventure etc with complex story-lines, and books like The Drinking Gourd and Buffalo Bill challenge kids and develop a sense of curiosity in them.
It has been correctly stated that skills developed due to early reading habits, help us in the long run. We grow more patient, always work with a sense of curiosity in our minds that helps us in living life positively, we enjoy our own company, in our little reading bubble from time to time and most importantly are confident and independent minds. Harper Collins certainly helped me achieve my readability, and with their I Can Read program, I don’t think there can be anything better for your child’s first reading escapade.
Wow! didn’t know about this program but would be a great avenue to teach children how to read.
Wow! This is really interesting and such a great idea to inculcate reading habits in kids.
Amazing…loved it absulately..even I love to read. I read daily without fail so I completely relate the fact.
Unfortunately, now kids are more into gadgets thn books..
This is so amazing. Thank you for sharing about this. Reading is a wonderful habit and we should try to make kid to love reading from an early age.
Reading is a rewarding experience for youngsters since their young minds easily absorb and comprehend knowledge. Glad to know that reading Made Easy With Harper Collins. I will recommend this to my friends and family.✌
I have observed that nowadays kids aren’t much into reading. But, this is a great way to make them do so. Also this sounds really interesting. They can improve and learn more.
Yes I really loved it. I am reading to enjoy. I am glad you shared that Reading Made Easy With The Harper Collins. We can read it. Books read to make me feel happy. Thanks for sharing.
There is something good that I got to know about improving kids reading habits and the set levels in it. Keep sharing such good posts
My son is at level My first I can read. Whenever I go to the library for getting books for him, I look for these levels. It gives him a variety and a confidence that he can read on his own.
Yes reading is an essential activity that should be developed and encouraged in kids at young age. Harper Collins-I Can Read program is an amazing program with many impressive features. I am sure it can help a lot for making kids confident in reading skills.