What an amazing feeling it is to become a mother, one of the truly outstanding things in the world. Holding and cuddling your little one really surpasses everything. However, for a new mom or first-timer caring for and nursing your infant can be really challenging. Not because you are inept as a mother, but because your tiny soul seeks a lot of attention. The journey to motherhood and beyond is not easy and can be full of surprises and challenges. It can definitely be very taxing if you are not aware or equipped how to deal with it. The stress is no longer needed when you know what to do when your baby is born announcement goes out.
When your baby is born:
To help you with a smooth transit, here are some essential points which you can keep in mind once your baby is born announcement goes out.
1. Announce and ask for help

Let the world know that your little one has stepped into the world. It is the time to rejoice. Inform your near and dear ones. When your baby is born announcement goes out to friends and family, be candid in seeking help. It is a new chapter in your life and is quite obvious that you and your partner may possess a little or no knowledge in nursing and care for the baby. Hence appropriate guidance is of paramount importance, and don’t hesitate to ask for help. This is for the best interest of your child and you.
2. Schedule the first appointment with the doctor
Now that your baby is born, it is solely your responsibility to take care of his/her wellbeing. Ask around to find a good and reliable paediatrician, schedule the first appointment with the doctor. Ensure that baby has been immunized perfectly before he/she is set to go out of the hospital.
3. Keep the necessary stuff at a comfy spot

When your baby is born announcement goes out, there will be plenty of visitors, right from your family members to friends, who will come to visit you and welcome the newborn. Always keep handy the necessary stuff like hand sanitisers for anyone who wants to cuddle or touch your baby, along with diapers baby lotion, wet wipes, napkins. Never shy away from telling anyone to sanitize their hands before cuddling the little one. Babies have a very low immune system and are prone to infections. Therefore it is all the more crucial to be very mindful.
4. Take rest, book a massage for yourself and baby
During the postpartum phase, the body goes through a lot of changes. Therefore it is necessary for all the new moms to take adequate rest. As a new mom, it can be quite stressful and be toiling to manage everything single-handedly right from household chores to nursing and caring for your baby, to taking care of yourself. Therefore take ample rest, both physically and mentally. After all, the well-being of the mother is directly related to the well-being of your child. Book a masseur for yourself and for your baby, toning the body after delivery is very important as it helps in getting the firmness back. Moreover, this can also leave a relaxing and refreshing effect on your mind and body. Just like a mother needs the massage, babies also need oiling. It helps in strengthening bones and muscles.
5. Hire a nurse and create storage for baby’s things
This is particularly important for couples living in a nuclear family. It should be one of your first priorities to hire a professionally trained nurse to take care of your little one during the initial phase. You will definitely need support when it comes to bathing your infant, washing the soiled clothes, arranging them, helping you in feeding the baby, caring for and nursing them. Consequently, you’ll also have to figure out or create a storage facility for the baby’s things. Keep in mind that baby accessories, toys, and clothes need an ample amount of space. Hence have a separate cupboard especially for your baby, and ideally, don’t club it with anything else.
This is particularly important for couples living in a nuclear family. It should be one of your first priorities to hire a professionally trained nurse to take care of your little one during the initial phase. You will definitely need support when it comes to bathing your infant, washing the soiled clothes, arranging them, helping you in feeding the baby, caring for and nursing them. Consequently, you’ll also have to figure out or create a storage facility for the baby’s things. Keep in mind that baby accessories, toys, and clothes need an ample amount of space. Hence have a separate cupboard, especially for your baby, and ideally, don’t club it with anything else.
6. Do all the necessary paperwork and insurance
Amidst all this excitement when your baby is born announcement reaches the world, it is quite human of you to forget the necessary paperwork and insurance. But do take out time, sit with your partner, and complete all the necessary paperwork and formalities relating to insurance. Maintaining and balancing your finances prudently especially during this phase is very important.
Baby is born announcement ideas:
While you are bracing yourself to let the world know the good news, here are some baby is born announcement ideas handpicked for you. These are printable and can be shared with your friends and family
Image source: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09
by Suditsha Sanyal
Good one ya. Not only are they fun, but very informative for expecting