Winter is here in full swing and we are loving the nip in the air. We all look forward to the coldest months of the year! Why? Because who likes to play in the scorching summer heat? Who likes to lick on ice-creams adulterated with dalda oil and be locked indoors in an air-conditioned room all day long? What we love is cuddling up with our little ones in a warm blanket with a cup of hot chocolate and nutritious winter foods! The changing season also means we might end up catching flu, so in order to keep sickness at bay, we at TCT have curated a list of 5 nutritious winter foods that you should eat and feed your family too.
A nutritious winter diet will keep you and your loved ones glowing and hearty during the chilly weather.
Here is your nutritious winter foods list:
1. Pure honey

The most helpful ingredient used in the healthiest winter foods, such as warm milk, Indian puddings, winter concoctions. It is a must in your family’s daily diet plan. Honey also helps in strengthening one’s immune system which means you don’t have to worry about cold, cough plus flu. All you got to do is add a teaspoonful of honey in warm water or you can even take just plain honey (and crushed ginger or extract some juice) to beat the winter chill. Honey is regarded as the best winter food to stay healthy.
Please note: Babies younger than 1-year-old should not be given honey. Clostridium bacteria that cause infant botulism usually thrive in soil and dust.
2. Root vegetables

You must include root vegetables in your winter season food list. From radish, turnip to sweet potatoes; all must be a part of your nutritious winter diet. These veggies keep our body warm because their digestion is slower. This means that you get more heat. We would recommend making a nice salad with these vegetables or even a warm soup made out of roots can taste delicious during the winter season.
3. Ginger

Yet another great food to stay warm in winter! All thanks to its’ thermogenic properties. Apart from keeping you and your loved ones warm, ginger also helps boost your metabolism plus promotes your blood flow. You can make it a part of your nutritious winter diet by adding it in your vegetables and even pulses or just make a hot cup of ginger tea on a cold winter morning.
4. Sesame seeds

These tiny, rich-oil seeds are also regarded as the best food to eat in winter. We all love eating chikkis during the lovely winter season. Well, these chikkis are made from sesame seeds and they are known to give your body that warmth you need to beat that winter chill. They are rich in calcium and iron, which helps in strengthening your bones and muscles. You can even soak them overnight and have them just like that in the morning or you can make small balls with jaggery and sesame seeds and make them a part of your nutritious winter diet. Some people also use sesame seed oil to cook food during the winter season.
5. Clarified butter (ghee)

Clarified butter or ghee is also one of the most important nutritious winter foods. One thing we really like about ghee is that it is an easily digestible fat. Apart from giving your body warmth, it prevents constipation, protects against cold and flu play increases your immunity too. No wonder it is the best food to eat in the winter season. You can add ghee to your hot paranthas or even in your vegetables and pulses. Don’t forget to add a dollop of clarified butter to your favorite carrot halwa.
Go ahead enjoy the winter season with your loved ones. Also, if you know about any food items which can be added to this healthiest winter foods list then please post in the comments section!
By Urvashi Newar