Pregnancy is a blend of both anxiety and excitement. In Indian culture, it leans more towards excitement for the family and loved ones. Additionally, the expectant couple must endure a nine-month wait, spanning over 38 weeks, before they can finally meet their baby. This anticipation is intensified by the curiosity surrounding the baby’s gender and the attempts made by relatives to predict it.
This anticipation is further heightened by the country’s prohibition of gender testing. However, this doesn’t dampen the excitement. Predictions about the baby’s gender are still made, and parents eagerly search for baby names, often contemplating one for a boy and one unique option for a girl. Click here for a list of unique Indian baby names for 2021.
Gender-neutral toys are purchased (suitable for both boys and girls), the interiors of the house are changed a little, or the baby’s nursery is built. in other words, everything is done for both boys and girls. Quite a few parents know, that there is an Indian gender prediction chart. 100 percentage accurate baby gender predictor 2020 is here with an upgraded version for 2022.

Indian gender prediction chart:
This is just a prediction
Similar to the gender prediction Chinese calendar 2021 and the Mayan baby gender prediction chart, the Indian gender prediction chart claims to deliver true baby gender prediction. The catch here is that it might help you get an answer, but this is just a prediction!

Try this Chinese gender predicton calculator. We have heard it is said to be up to 93 percent accurate in predicting your baby’s gender:
The Indian gender prediction chart is one of the most reliable methods to predict your baby’s gender. You can follow the Vedic astrology chart or the one followed by our ancestors. This relies on the signs and behavioural changes of a pregnant woman to find out the baby’s gender.
Our ancestors were more instinctive people rather than relying on some gender prediction charts and gender calenders. So instead of following the Indian pregnancy prediction chart, they would watch the behaviour of the pregnant woman.
Here’s how our ancestors have been predicting:
1. Your looks
If you’re carrying the baby low even before that much-anticipated “dropping” that occurs late in the third trimester before you go into labor, you may be pregnant with a boy.
You’re only putting on pounds around your belly. So what this states is that if you’re “all belly,” that is if you’re gaining weight only around the belly, there’s a good chance you’ll welcome a boy. If you’re carrying the excess weight in your hips, waist, and rear, you may be having a girl.
Your skin is clear and glowing or is your pregnancy has been riddled with acne that could rival your teen years? As the saying goes, “girls steal your beauty.” So if you’ve truly got that pregnant glow, this ancestors’ tale errs on the side of a baby boy.
2. Your health
Your morning sickness isn’t that bad? Those early weeks of pregnancy can be tough, regardless of whether you experience morning sickness or not. Some amount of queasiness is normal for every pregnant woman, but if your morning sickness is manageable, it’s possible you’re baking a boy.
Your urine is a dull yellow. A good idea is to take a cautious approach to any ancestors’ tales having to do with urine—there are some at-home “gender prediction” tests that can be downright dangerous! But this one is pretty tame—simply check the colour of your urine to get a clue into your baby’s gender. Bright yellow? You could be carrying a girl, while a duller hue could indicate a boy.
Your feet are always cold. If you find that your feet are always cold now that you’re pregnant, one ancestors’ tale holds that you might be expecting a boy.
3. Your partner and baby’s looks and health
Your baby’s heart rate is low. You’ll probably hear that amazing beating sound sometime around 8-10 weeks at one of your first doctor’s appointments. And many people believe this treasured experience can also be one of your first possible clues into your baby’s sex: male fetuses supposedly have a heart rate that’s 140 beats per minute or slower, while girls’ hearts beat a bit faster, at 140 beats per minute or higher. Though there are studies that may prove it to be untrue. These predictions are not as the thought of as the Indian gender prediction chart, so the chances of errors are higher
Your partner isn’t gaining weight. This old wives’ tale says there’s a good chance you’re having a boy if your partner has been able to maintain his svelte physique even when the scale tips upward for you as the weeks progress.
The Indian gender prediction chart could be really handy. Hence do try it, or suggest it to your friend who might be interested in baby gender prediction.
Which according to you is a better option, the Indian gender prediction chart, the Chinese gender predictor chart /calculator or the body signals that the earlier people used? Let us know in the comments.
This is not accurate at all but go ahead….
There is complex gender predictor at and it soo accurate