- Tell us a bit about the real story behind this ‘real mom’?
- What it’s like to be you?
- What’s that one classic saying /rule you swear by in this journey of motherhood?
- We tend to glorify motherhood a lot and that tends to put additional pressure/ mental load of motherhood on a mum- what are your thoughts on this?
- They say it takes a village to raise a child – tell us something about your village?
- What’s something you always wanted to do but didn’t ― And why didn’t you?
- Was there something your parents did when you were a kid that you swore you’d never do yourself?
- What is it like being a stay-at-home mom? What would you change?
- Have you ever done something really impulsive? How did it go?
- What do you want or wish most for your children?
This week, let’s know a bit more about this real mom – Zainab Raazi who is a blogger and “Also has a little space on Instagram,” she speaks coyly. A mother of twin boys, who are now hitting the teens.

Just in case if you are wondering who are those little kids on Instagram, she poses with my niece and nephew.
Tell us a bit about the real story behind this ‘real mom’?
Well, I was furious with the amount of weight I had gained. And, I wanted to document my journey online. That’s when I decided to journal my journey.
What it’s like to be you?
I’m sensitive, very anxious, and very hungry (most times). I have a sense of gratitude and believe in the best for everyone.
What’s that one classic saying /rule you swear by in this journey of motherhood?
That, we need to lead by example. I would like my kids to workout, however, if I’m not doing it, how can I even encourage or motivate them to do so? Similarly, if I’m screening their screen time, I will also have to monitor my own screentime, right? Always remember, real mothers, make REAL leaders.

We tend to glorify motherhood a lot and that tends to put additional pressure/ mental load of motherhood on a mum- what are your thoughts on this?
Fortunately, I have never really glorified motherhood. Despite, having felt the pressure, despite the imagery of that perfect motherhood, I’ve never succumbed to such pressure. And, we all know the reality. A mom knows another. We know we are doing our best. We know we mean good for our kids, and our families. We aren’t singing praises for ourselves and no one is patting on our back. That’s life. We got to stay real and continue to stick to the core of motherhood.

They say it takes a village to raise a child – tell us something about your village?
Oh yes. My village includes my family of course and my domestic help. The minute I learned about twin pregnancy, I knew I had to expand my village. And, it DOES NOT make you a bad mom.

7 Early Pregnancy Signs Of Having Twins. Read now!
What’s something you always wanted to do but didn’t ― And why didn’t you?
I always wanted to write a book, about some real-life adventure and jazz like that. My dad’s life experiences. I guess, now is the time. Never say never ☺
Was there something your parents did when you were a kid that you swore you’d never do yourself?
A kid is a kid is a kid. If you know what I mean! I used to get very upset when my parents would not let me have a landline in my room. That was back in the day! Hahaha! But, it doesn’t add up to anything anymore.
What is it like being a stay-at-home mom? What would you change?
A stay-at-home mom means having to work round the clock. There are doorbells, meal planning, and cooking, overwhelming supervision, etc. plus your own downtime. Would I want to change anything, well, do I have an option?
Have you ever done something really impulsive? How did it go?
Yes, many times. And, 90% of the time it has been downright silly. But, I feel it’s okay to make the hasty decisions (and learn from your mistakes, too). We are only human. Right?
What do you want or wish most for your children?
Like any mom, I wish heaps of love and luck, success and a healthy life.
Follow this mommy on Instagram, now!