In our Real Moms Real Stories series, meet our this week’s real mom, Tanya Puri Lutha, a 27-year-old mama and you could best describe her as “Filmy”. A professional detective, Tanya sees things with her own filter, does what makes her heart happy, strives hard to make life as magical as it can be for her husband and 28-month-old son Yuven.

That’s not all!
She loves to chat with her family over a cup of tea and sandwiches (she LOVES every kind of bread in the world!)
Born and brought up in Delhi, Tanya says, “I do not get attached to places, my heart lies in my people. So, Delhi or Bombay, as long as I take my tribe along, I could be anywhere in the world and be happy!”
Tell us a bit about the real story behind this ‘real mom’?
For me, becoming a mother was the closest I got to reality. I was a carefree 25-year-old who didn’t even think motherhood was on her radar!
The role threw me off initially with responsibilities that I hadn’t even fathomed but Yuven’s trust in me gave me so much confidence to be proud of my growth and my decisions.
So, when I decided to share my life and experiences on Instagram, I knew I had to do it without any filter. I am very honest and straightforward. So all that anyone sees on my social media is exactly who I am.
I tumble, make mistakes as a mom but never ever stop being a conscious and gentle parent. That is the biggest real aspect of my mom’s life.
What it’s like to be you?
To be me, you have to keep a dramatic lens to see everything in life, be so loud about things you love that everyone else has no option but to take your actions positively too. I keep Yuven as the center of my universe, plan activities for 2 days, only to get bored before you reach the 3rd day, pamper your family with cake ever so often, and never listen no for a thing! I am stubborn about what I want to do and it takes a village to change my mind about it!

We tend to glorify motherhood a lot and that tends to put additional pressure/ mental load of motherhood on a mum- Your thoughts?
I have never understood placing anything or any role on a pedestal. The most all moms want is respect for the work they do for their kids and family alongside the 10 other things they’ve committed to.
And more importantly, to just let them be. It’s as tough or as easy as it is being a father, a grandma, or any other role you could think of. Let every mom be just who she wants to be for her child and raise them in an environment that she deems fit for them!
When we glorify motherhood, we also put certain expectations on it and the ones who don’t stand up to it, face so much flak. That’s extremely unfair and no mom deserves that attitude from anyone!
What do you want or wish most for your children?
I wish for my son to be gentle and kind to everyone who is the same to him. And the ones who give him flak for nothing, he should ignore their existence as if they never crossed his path! That’s the key to happy living, for me.
