Check out 10 effective ways to ease morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy!
Nourishing a baby in your womb is a miracle by itself. However, the journey of motherhood is not easy. Your body undergoes a number of changes and dealing with them can get difficult.
Morning sickness during pregnancy is a common problem experienced by pregnant women the world over.
What is morning sickness?:
It is an uneasy feeling of nausea that may lead to vomiting.
When does it occur?:
Unlike its name, morning sickness may occur anytime of the day. It is an early pregnancy symptom and usually peaks between the 6th and 12th week.
Why does it occur?:
There are no known reasons; however, some studies suggest that morning sickness during pregnancy occurs due to hormonal changes. Many experts also believe that increased estrogen level, excess stomach acids, or low blood sugar to be the reason.
How can you ease it?:
Here are some simple tips on how to stop vomiting during pregnancy.
1. Don’t remain on an empty stomach. Munch something every few hours.
2. When you awaken in the morning, take support and sit up slowly. Keep plain biscuits or rusks on hand and eat immediately.
3. Have potassium-rich foods like bananas for breakfast.
4. Step out for an early morning stroll. Avoid going out in the heat.
5. Eat protein-rich foods like nuts and salty foods.
6. Stay hydrated. Sip water throughout the day except during meals.
7. Avoid hot food as the smell may nauseate you.
8. When you feel the urge to hurl, just lie down and rest for some time.
9. Watch TV or read a book to divert your attention when you feel the nausea rising.
10. When feeling nauseous, sniff a cut lemon or peppermint. You may also add lemon drops to tea or water.
How to handle other problems that come with morning sickness?
If your morning sickness is accompanied by dizziness, infrequent urination, dehydration, and sudden weight loss, it may be need medical attention. Consult your doctor in such cases.
To make your pregnancy easy, follow these home remedies for nausea and be stress-free as nausea and vomiting are just indications of a healthy pregnancy.
Take a look at the Nevasic app – it’s proven highly successful for NVP.
Can you throw more light on this? Has it got anything to do with pregnancy?
Dear Champa Tree,
Thank you for your question regarding relativity to the article.
The article is headed “10 Ways to ease morning sickness during pregnancy”
Morning sickness during pregnancy is also known as “NVP” or “Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy”.
The Nevasic app content has been through research with the UK National Health Service – specifically with pregnant women and the National Health Service results showing how the Nevasic app content performed in reducing and or eliminating the symptoms of “morning sickness” were published in the “Practising Midwives Journal”. Their own results showed an over 90% success rate in reducing or eliminating symptoms of morning sickness in pregnancy.
The absolute best part about those achieved results is that the product is drug and side effect free.
In every respect this information is related to pregnancy – and morning sickness.