Suppose you are thinking about starting a family but aren’t sure what treatment you should consider. Then, this article is just for you. This article summarises all of the facts concerning IVF and donated eggs as given by Dr. Mohit Saraogi, a Mumbai-based IVF specialist. Infertility can cause a couple to experience a wide range of emotions. Infertility diagnosis and treatment can be physically as well as mentally demanding. The infertility treatment (IVF Treatment) success rates vary based on several factors, including the couple’s age, the cause of infertility, and the type of treatment used.

Understanding IVF with a self-cycle or a donor cycle:
“Infertility treatment has progressed over time, resulting in higher success rates. Thanks to developments in technology and our understanding of disease processes, we now have various alternatives as treating physicians to personalize infertility treatment for individual couples. One of the most modern treatment methods is in vitro fertilization (IVF). “Depending on the specific scenario, IVF can be administered as a ‘self-cycle IVF’ or a ‘donor cycle IVF,” said Dr. Mohit Saraogi, an IVF expert in Mumbai.
He explained that in a self-cycle IVF, a couple’s gametes (sperms and egg) are used, whereas, in a donor cycle IVF, either sperm or egg from a donor is used. When we compare this to self-cycle IVF, donor cycle IVF has a slightly greater success rate.
“However, the child born as a consequence of a donor cycle does not receive its biological parents’ DNA. This is why, unless ruled out for clinical reasons, self-cycle IVF, in which the kid inherits the DNA of both biological parents, is always the chosen first treatment choice. As a result, the couple must understand the benefits and drawbacks of both treatments before commencing on their IVF journey,” he noted.
Dr. Mohit Saraogi desires to convey more about the various methods of IVF therapy in this post so that the reader can quickly grasp the best possibilities for them to maximize their chances of success.
Success rates of self cycle-IVF:
Self-cycle IVF is usually the best treatment option for most couples who are commencing therapy for the first time. A couple may not benefit from self-cycle IVF, however, if they fall into one of the following categories, according to the expert:
- A female partner is beyond 42 years old, as the quality and quantity of eggs deteriorate dramatically after this age. Self-cycle IVF has a higher success rate among younger women, but it begins to decline around 35.
- No sperm count in the male partner, particularly in males who have failed to produce healthy sperm despite surgical sperm extraction (ex-testicular biopsy).
- Couples have a history of poor sperm or egg quality, as evidenced by prior treatment records.
As a result, it is critical for couples to educate themselves and seek the advice of an infertility specialist to make the best and most educated treatment option possible when deciding between self and donor IVF cycles.
Donor cycle IVF is a fertility therapy option for those who cannot use their eggs for whatever reason. The victory rates for egg donor IVF are reasonable, especially when using a screened egg donor is better than the typical IVF success rates for couples who do not use a donor.
While donor cycle IVF implies the intended mother will not be genetically connected to her kid, the intended father will be the biological father unless a sperm donor is also used.
As a result, it’s a more enticing option as compared to embryo donation IVF. If an embryo donor is employed, neither intended parent will be genetically connected to the child.

Let’s take a closer look at both methods of treatment:
Multiple processes are involved in IVF treatment using your eggs. In the IVF center in Mumbai, the process begins by injecting ovarian stimulation drugs into the patient. Following that, you’ll have an outpatient egg retrieval operation. The embryologists will then fertilize your eggs in the lab with sperm from your partner or a sperm donor of your choice. Finally, you’ll drive back to the IVF center for embryo transfer surgery.
In the case of donor cycle IVF, the procedure is slightly different. You’ll start by choosing an egg donor who is a young, healthy woman. Since she will be providing the eggs for the IVF round, she will undergo ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval. Alternatively, you can utilize eggs from an egg bank that have already been extracted and frozen. The embryologists will fertilize these eggs in the lab before transferring them to you.
Success rates for self IVF and donor cycle IVF:
IVF treatment is one of the most effective fertility procedures available, according to the IVF specialist in Mumbai. Still, its success rates are dependent on a woman’s age, reproductive health, and other factors. The average live birth rate per IVF cycle, for example, is as follows:
- Women who are under the age of 35 have a 41-43 percent chance of becoming pregnant.
2. Secondly, women between the ages of 35 and 37 have a 33-36 percent chance of having a kid.
3. Those between the ages of 38 and 40 have a 23-27 percent chance of having a kid.
4. Finally, women over the age of 40 have a 13-18% chance of having a baby.
The success rates of IVF using donor eggs are much more significant because they use eggs from a healthy woman in her 20s. As a result, an IVF success rate in her 40s will be comparable to that of a healthy woman in her 20s.
Egg donors are open to the same risks as women undergoing traditional IVF treatment. All of the fertility medicines used to stimulate the ovaries have dangers and adverse effects that the donor should be aware of.
The most dangerous to the donor is the development of OHSS. 10% of women undergoing IVF therapy develop ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). Symptoms will be modest for the majority of women, and they will recover quickly. OHSS can be more dangerous in a small percentage of people and may necessitate hospitalization. Due to OHSS, less than 1% of women undergoing egg retrieval will develop blood clots or kidney failure. Donors are usually young and fertile; therefore, their risk is slightly higher than that of an infertile woman undergoing IVF treatment.
The donor faces psychological risks as well. The donor may eventually come to regret her decision to donate her eggs, or she may wonder what happened to the eggs she donated or the kid she helped to conceive.
The primary danger of donor egg IVF for the intended mother is multiple pregnancies. As limited embryos as possible should be transferred to limit the risk. Consult your doctor to see if a single embryo transfer is the best option for you.
Should you think about IVF or donation eggs?
You should consult a specialist at an IVF center in Mumbai before determining which treatment is best for you, says Dr Saraogi. He can conduct diagnostic fertility tests and examine your medical history to determine which treatment options will provide you the best chance of becoming pregnant.
In general, if a woman’s egg quality or quantity is low, our fertility specialists usually propose IVF treatment with donor eggs. It can be due to various factors, including aging, medical treatments, and fertility concerns. There could be several reasons for the delayed child birth. Identify them and find the right treatment.
Lovely thought, and inspiring to see so many moms going this way!