Losing her unborn child can be emotionally and physically taxing for any woman. Few miscarriages can happen suddenly without any warning, while some are preceded by recognizable miscarriage symptoms. Most miscarriages happen during the first 13 weeks (3 months, first trimester) of conception. It is imperative for a pregnant woman to know about signs of miscarriage so that she knows what to be careful about during her early weeks of pregnancy.
Here’s a List of 5 Early Miscarriage Symptoms That Every Expecting Woman Must Know:
1. Bleeding Vagina
This is one of the main signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy. A pregnant woman may experience light spotting like brownish discharge or may bleed very heavily. The bleeding can be intermittent or even constant, the amount generally depends on how long a woman has been pregnant. If you experience any of these miscarriage symptoms, contact your doctor right away.
2. Pain in Lower Abdomen and Pelvic Area
If you are having persistent or continuous pain or cramps then you are experiencing one of the signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy. Pelvic cramps may accompany bleeding and this happens because of the opening of the cervix. If you are having moderate to severe cramping which is accompanied by lower back pain then consider it as a strong possibility of an inevitable miscarriage. These are a few miscarriage symptoms a pregnant woman should not ignore at any cost.
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3. Passing Out Tissue
If a pregnant woman passes out bloody material that looks like tissue then it can be a cause of concern. This is also one of the important miscarriage symptoms an expecting woman might experience. A slow leaking of fluid from the vagina or a sudden gush are also some miscarriage symptoms that should not be ignored. You must seek medical help immediately if you pass out any tissue type material.
4. Not Feeling Morning Sickness Anymore
Apart from the above-noted miscarriage symptoms, if you are experiencing diminishing morning sickness then it may mean that your pregnancy has stopped developing and it will miscarry. But, don’t panic if you aren’t experiencing at the onset of pregnancy or second trimester. It is completely okay to feel better (and not nauseous) during those periods. Also, each woman’s body is unique and no one pregnant woman’s experience would be similar to that of the other one.

5. Tender breasts – Not Anymore
We all know that breast tenderness is an early symptom of pregnancy, however, if you feel it has decreased then consider this as one of the signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy.
What Causes a Miscarriage?
There is no known cause of a miscarriage. Many experts say that infants who would be born with serious developmental or physical disabilities end up being miscarried. A miscarriage also happens because the egg did not develop properly. Many women feel they could have done something to avoid a miscarriage, like eating healthy but the truth is there is nothing that a woman can do for preventing a miscarriage. You cannot relate a miscarriage directly to a woman’s actions. Miscarriage symptoms vary from woman to woman.
A miscarriage during any stage of pregnancy brings in feelings of sadness or anger. Women deal with this loss in different ways. Some feel a miscarriage in early pregnancy is less of a loss as compared to losing your baby at a later stage in pregnancy or after your baby is born. There are many support groups online which can help a woman deal with their loss. There is no harm talking to your counselor if you feel really depressed and low. Also, support from friends and family can go a long way in helping a woman who has miscarried. As miscarriages are fairly common, it is vital to know about miscarriage symptoms so that you know when to seek medical help.