My journey from pregnancy to becoming a new mother to a mother of an infant and now a toddler has been extremely blissful. Things change drastically and that too over such a short course of time, but one thing remains the same, which often annoys me. This one question: ‘Are you sleeping enough?’ or ‘Is the baby sleeping well?’ or ‘are you keeping a track of baby sleep pattern by age?’ Fine, so, to answer your question, yes. Without a doubt, with some baby sleeping tips! You know why, because, from the day we switched over from co-sleeping to crib sleeping, my baby seems to be having a comfortable time. Also, since the infant bed is placed in our room, so practically, he is sleeping with us. This in turn can be counted as a natural sleep remedy for babies.
Crib-sleeping vs Co-sleeping.
Before you pass any sort of judgment on me, let me tell you that crib sleeping is as (in fact more) healthy as that on a co-sleeping bed. That does make you raise your eyebrow! I can also see a few of you already pointing towards the mother-child bonding issue, baby sleeping positions. But the truth is that my baby and I are very well attached. Being a mother I know how to get my baby to sleep at night. We tried some baby sleeping tips, natural sleep remedies for babies and baby sleeping positions.
Initially, we bonded over breastfeed and now we sing rhymes, watch cartoons, set up, play dates (every day without fail). Bathing, massaging, feeding, strolling, who has time to think about anything but love and affection. His daytime naps are uneventful, as he easily drifts into a peaceful sleep. At night, that same baby resists that same sleep. So, we snuggle up to each other, talk a bit and there he goes, comfortable and safe in his infant bed.
Importance of infant beds and cots:
According to Amit Agarwal, founder- Wudplay, a homegrown brand synonymous with baby cribs, infant beds and cots, operating since 2006, “A baby cot is the most important choice that one can make for his/her baby. It is much safer and comfortable for the little one. It is believed that co-sleeping generates heat which is not good or comfortable for the baby. Though I do agree that the culture of co-sleeping prevails in our society, things are changing now and with awareness, more and more new parents are gaining knowledge about why a crib should be used in the first place.”
So, putting the entire emotional roller coaster behind, more and more Indian moms and dads are actually accepting the idea of having a good quality, exclusive wooden infant bed for their baby. Or putting it in other words, they need some baby sleeping tips.
And whosoever said that controlling the time of your baby’s sleep is in your hands probably was very good with controls. So, there are no baby sleeping tips. Really! Some swear by swaddling their newborns for hours while others sing lullabies and gently pat their babies on the back. In short, there are many natural sleep remedies for babies which could be modified according to the baby sleep pattern by age,
Your baby’s schedule:
After speaking to a few parents and my own personal experience, suggests that babies set their own schedule. That doesn’t mean that if a baby wakes up at 3:00 AM, then it’s alright. Of course not! At that time, all efforts should be made to put him/her back to sleep. You know how to get baby sleep at night. But this act is to be repeatedly performed irrespective of whether the baby is sleeping with you in your bed or infant bed or cot.
Besides, I juggle between household chores and work-from-home deadlines. At that point, an infant bed really helps. When I have to step out to receive a courier or load the dishwasher while my baby is happily playing in the cot makes so much sense. Isn’t it? Additionally, I always wanted my kid to get used to the crib so that he would have one less transition to make since there are so many transitions babies have to go through! I wanted some magical baby sleeping tips or natural sleep remedies for babies to apply according to the baby sleep pattern by age.
Amit agrees, “A crib also happens to be the safest place for the baby to be in while you are away, doing your daily household chores. The safest option by far for a toddler (who can fall down from the bed anytime if left unattended).”
For me, a wooden cot for a baby is one of the ideal baby sleeping tips. I am not sure for how long does my little one continue to sleep in his cot. You see, kids have their one preference. But, since, he has already established the habit of sleeping on an infant bed, then, I am positive that this habit won’t break.
I am not selfish and definitely not thinking about my sleep ‘only’. All I want is to make sure that my baby is comfortable. After all, he needs to sleep like a baby!

What are the important baby sleeping tips to keep in mind while purchasing a crib for your baby? Click here to find out!
Click on the image to read more about Wudplay
Have you tried putting your baby to sleep in an infant bed? Follow the baby sleeping tips. Do you know any effective baby sleeping positions or natural sleep remedies for babies? Share them in the comments below and let the new moms know how to get the baby to sleep at night.
Tips for new mommy🌻👍