Every person wants straight teeth which can give them a nice smile. However, some people might not have straight teeth naturally, so they go for Orthodontic treatment. After getting the Orthodontic treatment, the treatment is accompanied by the braces on the teeth. The braces can be metal braces, ceramic braces, lingual braces, or aligners. The person has to keep wearing these braces for a long duration. Depending on the complexity and the type of treatment the duration of wearing the braces can vary from 12 months to 18 months. Except for the aligner, no other braces can be removed. So, the metal braces, ceramic braces, and lingual braces have to be tucked on the teeth.
Now, when you have the brace on your teeth, most people find it difficult to do flossing. ‘How often to floss? and How to floss?,’ are the two common questions that arise when you are about to get the braces for the Orthodontic treatment.

Why flossing is important?
Flossing is one of the important things that help to keep your oral health nice. It helps to clean those areas of the teeth where it is difficult for the brush to reach even after a good brushing. Also, it removes the food debris from the complex areas of the teeth. It helps to avoid plaque development in these regions which can prevent teeth from getting cavities. So, flossing along with brushing is one of the important caring habits that help to keep your dental health proper.
Difficulty in flossing with braces:
When braces are there on the teeth, it becomes difficult to reach the complex areas of the teeth while flossing. Also, there is a constant tension of brackets and wires getting affected due to the flossing of the teeth. It is not good if you skip the flossing during these treatment days. You must use some other ways of flossing to keep the teeth in a nice condition.
Here are some of the ways of flossing with braces:
1. Traditional method flossing with the braces
The floss must be threaded carefully between the teeth and the main wire. Do the activity exactly in front of the mirror to understand directions. Hold the floss comfortably to ensure that it is easier to handle it. Make the gentle movement of the floss in the up and down direction. Also, ensure that the floss is also cleaning the gum line where the possibility of cavity development is more. After completing the floss at a particular side, remove it in a gentle manner, and ensure that it does not distort the position of the brackets and wires of the braces. Likewise, continue the flossing activity to other different sides too. The repeat the flossing on each side must be done in a gentle way.
2. Flossing with Waterpik

Waterpik is a machine that helps to do the flossing activity by sending a stream of water on it. The water reservoir of the machine must be filled with a sufficient amount of water. You can even add some amount of mouthwash in it that can help to remove the bacteria to some extent. Before splashing it on the teeth, ensure that the water is coming with the relevant force that can be helpful. Now take the appropriate position to your mouth and start flossing in the proper areas. The water must be properly glided on the teeth that can give the proper results. It is a little difficult to reach the gumline with Waterpik when the braces are on. However, some extra care efforts can make you reach the desired position of the gumline.
3. Using floss threader
A floss threader is a plastic small tool that helps in flossing properly in complex areas beyond the braces. Here, you must carefully put the plastic needle carefully through the wire of the braces. Through the wire, the floss must then be pulled in a gentle manner. Wrap the floss carefully by fingers and gently move it in the up and down direction. Ensure that the different areas under the teeth are getting cleaned. After completion, remove the floss in a gentle manner.

4. Flossing with dental tape
Dental tapes are other options for flossing the teeth with the braces. It will ensure that the gums are healthier and it does not get affected during the flossing process. Spongy and smooth tapes are available that ensure that it is smooth on the teeth. The dental tape helps to glide easily among the complex teeth areas.
These are some of the ways of doing the flossing with the braces. Ideally, it is good to floss twice a day. Flossing must be done generally after the heavy meal intake. One must surely do it before sleeping at night and before brushing. Proper flossing will give better dental health.