Spring is finally here, and the first festival to start off in the new year is Easter. It is a time for celebration for many families across the world. Families come together to celebrate this festival, for its religious concerns as well. It also marks the end of the cold winter months and the beginning of the colorful Spring season. Easter is popular with kids because there are lots of goodies to eat, a whole lot of parties and some Easter crafts for preschoolers…Yay Yay!
Presenting 5 easy Easter crafts for kids:
1. Tinfoil easter eggs
This one is particularly easy and does not require many things.
Materials Required: Aluminium foil; Cardboard; Glue; Markers
Instructions: Cut an oval egg shape from the cardboard. Tear out a piece of foil big enough that it covers the oval shape from all the sides and wraps it well. Now using a sharpie marker, draw your favorite designs on the egg. Your Easter egg is ready.
![Easter crafts for preschoolers 02]()
2. Fingerprint bunnies
Bunnies are so popular with kids. Your little one is going to have a nice time doing this because it involves colors as well.
Materials Required: Colored Stamp Ink Pads; Black Marker
Instructions: Carefully press your thumb onto the stamp pad. After you have done this, take note of the fact, that an ample amount of color is there on your thumb. Now press your thumb on the paper. Take a marker, and make eyes, nose, and whiskers of the Easter bunny.![Easter crafts for preschoolers 03]()
3. Easter bunny buntings
These can be used to decorate your home during the Easter weekend.
Materials required: Colored A4 size sheet; Black Marker; String; Scissors
Instructions: Draw as many bunny faces as you wish to on the A4 size colored sheet. Now cut these bunnies. Make eyes, nose, and whiskers with the marker. Then snip a slit in the ears and thread the string through the holes, one from behind the ear and one through the front of the ear. String as many bunnies as you want in a single string. Your buntings are ready.![Easter crafts for preschoolers 04]()
Easter eggs are specially decorated eggs given out to celebrate the Easter holiday or springtime.
Things Required: Food Colors; Hardboiled egg; Paper Towel; Rubberband; Spray bottle/water
Instructions: Wrap a hard-boiled egg inside a paper towel and fasten it using a rubber band. Now using a spray bottle filled with colored water spray on the wrapped egg. Leave it to dry overnight. Open it the next morning to see the splash of different colors on the eggs. Your Easter eggs are ready.![Easter crafts for preschoolers 05]()
5. Sock bunnies
Planning to throw away some old socks. Well wait, we have got a nice idea for you.
Materials Required: A small sock; Felt paper; Large pom; Moveable stick-on eyes; Ribbon; Clear rubber bands; Rice
Instructions: Fill your sock with about a cup of rice, depending on the size of your sock. Tie clear rubber bands twice to create ahead, one on the neck and one on top of the head. Cut a piece of felt to create a “belly” for the bunny, glue onto sock using tacky glue or hot glue. Now stick the moveable eyes. Take a piece of felt and make the bunny’s nose. Now cut the top of the sock in half to create ears on the sock bunny. Snip off the corners to make the ears slightly rounded. Your cute sock bunny is ready.![Easter crafts for preschoolers 06]()
Wow! These crafts are so creative and looks so cute!
Thanks! Which was your fav ?