Mom’s life is full of emotions. Isn’t it? At times, I almost end up laughing at my little one’s antics, and the next moment I am bursting with anger because of those same silly antics. Last night I stayed up to read a blog, title: How not to kill your kid in the kitchen. The article wasn’t about how to cook green beans, but it was simply about child safety. It was about opening a pack of steamed green beans. (Yes! When a child opens up packages like these, you are scared and angry.) The outburst and reactions can definitely be included in the list of funny motherhood jokes.
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The other day while chewing a piece of carrot, a bit of it got stuck between his teeth. It wasn’t bothering him, so every time he laughed (showing off his toothy little mouth), I ended up laughing with him.
You must be wondering – How cheeky!
Funny motherhood jokes – What’s all the fuss?
Did I want to go the extra mile and amp up the cheeky quotient? That’s why I bring to you some of the best funny pictures on motherhood. They are sure to tickle your funny bone. In case you did miss out on any of my previous blogposts on motherhood humor, then, here is your chance to fill your day with fun.
Spread the message of mommy humor, motherhood jokes, and new mom jokes with these 10 hilarious ones. They will surely help you chuckle away. Above all, it’s because we know motherhood is (NOT) so full of SANITY~
Have a gorgeous, sunny day, and above all- have fun mommas!
Lol 😀