A prominent part of facial features is our hair. The hair reveals a lot about one’s personality. From gorgeous to luxuriant, wavy or straight, voluminous and wavy or shiny, cascading locks – A good mane is everyone’s dream. But more so for a woman. And the worst nightmare is excessive hair fall and hair related problems. The reasons could be many. So, our question to you is – Are you looking for effective home remedies for hair fall?

Ranging from lifestyle to hormonal problems, nutritional deficiencies to certain medications or even overuse of haircare products containing chemicals- Hair fall and excessive hair loss are a worrisome problem. So if you are having a bad hair day, here are some home remedies for hair fall, and home remedies for hair growth and thinckness to regrow hair naturally.
Very helpful home remedies for hair fall from our grandmas kitchens:
1. A warm oil massage
There is nothing that benefits the hair follicles and the scalp than a good hair massage with warm oil. Take your pick from coconut, mustard, olive or sesame, almond or even a nice proportionate mix of some of these. Depending upon which oil suits you best, a deep massage with warm oil, followed by a hot towel, definitely is one of the simplest home remedies for hair fall. It is advised to do this at least once a week.
This routine can be followed for children and babies as well if they have less or thin hair. the hot towel part should be avoided in children.

2. Egg and curd
Easily available in your kitchen, a hair pack made out of a mix of curd and egg white can do wonders to your depleting hairline. Curd is an excellent conditioner that brings back the lost shine and the protein in egg white helps in strengthening the hair and restoring the growth. A regular massage of this combination will ease off your hair fall blues.
This is one of the best home remedies for hair growth and thickness.
3. Amla and Reetha
This hair pack is my most trusted one. Amla (Indian gooseberry) and Reetha (soapnuts/washing nuts) have been used since time immemorial for hair care. Amla has phytonutrients, minerals, and vitamins that stimulate hair growth and increase scalp circulation. The vitamin C present in Amla produces collagen protein, essential for hair growth. Reetha, on the other hand, is rich in saponins. It makes the hair healthy.
A hair pack of a combination of alma and Reetha powder applied once a week will stop hair loss and help in regrowing hair naturally.

4. Fenugreek seeds
Another miracle spice available in your kitchen, it is not only a good spice to include in your food but also can be used effectively in your homemade cosmetic regime. Apart from getting rid of fungal and bacterial infections from the scalp, fenugreek seeds also promote hair growth and strengthen the hair follicles. Soak some fenugreek seeds in water overnight. In the morning, grind it to a paste and apply it on the hair and scalp. Leave it for twenty minutes before washing it off. You can also prepare an oil mix of fenugreek seeds. Soak these seeds in coconut oil for a day or two. Store it and use it to massage your hair once a week.
Do it at least for a month to stop hair loss.
5. Green tea
Green tea will not soothe your frayed nerve and help in relieving your stress, but it will also soothe your distressed locks. Green tea bags soaked in water can be stored and used as an excellent after shampoo conditioner. Another way is to soak 2-3 tea bags in hot water and then massage the water on the scalp and hair after it has cooled down. Rinse off with cool water after an hour for the effect.

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and is believed to act as an excellent agent in stopping hair loss and boosting hair growth.
6. Aloe Vera
A wonder plant easily available at homes, aloe vera helps in increasing the blood circulation in the scalp that helps in regrowth of hair. It contains proteolytic enzymes that help in repairing dead skin on the scalp. The gel from the stalk of aloe vera can be applied to the hair and scalp. The best is to leave it on for 30-45 minutes and rinse off with water. This needs to be done at least 3-4 times a week for best results.
Aloe vera also conditions and softens the hair and increases the shine and luster.
7. Onion juice
If you can tolerate the smell of onions for some part of the day, then this is also one of the simplest and cheapest home remedies for hair fall. The antibacterial properties in onion help against scalp infections and the sulfur content improves blood circulation to the hair follicles. Grind onion to get the juice. With the help of a cotton ball apply the juice all over the scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash it off with a mild shampoo and normal water.
Onion juice can be applied once a week to promote hair growth and control hair loss.
8. Lemon juice
Fresh lemon juice applied on the scalp and hair helps in fighting dandruff as well as enhancing hair quality and regrowth. Apply lemon juice on the hair and scalp and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with a shampoo and see the difference after regular use.
All of these ingredients are safe to use as they are natural. But some of you could be allergic to any of these.
Depending upon what suits you, use it consistently for at least a month or two for better results. These remedies can be used for children as well but depending upon what would suit them. But just do not bank upon these home remedies for your hair fall problems. Eating right, including food rich in protein and vitamins will automatically improve the health of the hair. A balanced diet goes a long way in ensuring that your hair woes do not turn into eternal nightmares.
Apart from the hair care regime that you plan to follow to stop hair loss and regrow hair naturally, that are a few things you should avoid if you want to see better results.
1. Avoid hot showers. Hot water dries the scalp and hair, or it can be said burns the hair. It is better to always wash your hair with normal water but if you are used to a hot water bath, use warm water for your hair.
2. Do not comb your hair when it is still wet.
3. Avoid hair care products that contain parabens or sulfates.
4. Tight hairstyles should be avoided as it can lead to hair breakage and can weaken the hair follicles too.
5. Stress is anyways harmful to overall health. It is directly linked to hair fall too. So lesser the stress, the better off would be your locks.
Very knowledgeable article. I really appreciate the effort which the author has put in. Thanks for sharing. I would like to suggest Natural Infusions hair products.
Green tea is a new info for me