The cold winter days are here. The temperature at times is playing hide and seek. Though during the day it’s bright and sunny, the cold draft of wind that blows in the evenings is chilling to the bones. The cold winter days require a lot of care, and when there is a baby involved, the care has to be a little extra. We feel you. Therefore, after consulting our in-house paediatrician, we have put together a few tips for winter care for new mothers and children.
For a new mother and her child, the winter season requires more looking after. Though it is also a good season to enjoy a lot of good food, in terms of health. As a new mommy you might be flooded with advice from all corners, instead of getting confused, just read on to find out how to take care of yourself and your child this winter.
Winter care for new mothers and their children – 6 Tips to follow:
Follow these 6 winter care for new mothers and protect yourself and your child.
1. Dress right
Protect yourself and the baby from the cold: It is important to protect yourself and the baby from the cold biting winter. Dress up in layers. As doctors recommend, if you dress up in two layers, for the baby ideally it is three. Caps, socks, and mittens should be part of your baby’s clothing, even during nighttime. But remember not to overdress the baby, because that can cause a lot of discomforts. Assess the room temperature and then decide. The clothing should not restrict the baby’s movement. For yourself, be adequately dressed in the fabric that doesn’t rub and harm your baby’s skin, when you carry him/her.
2. A hot oil massage
Getting a hot oil massage on a cold winter day is extremely soothing and relaxing. For winters you can go for warm mustard oil, olive oil or a combination of almond and olive oil. It is good for the skin as well. You can use the same oil for the little one as well. A warm oil massage after a bath or at bedtime will relax the baby and help him/her to sleep.
3. Maintain the right temperature
It is important to keep the winter chills out of the new mother and child’s room. But do not go overboard in using the heaters and the blowers. These heating appliances rob moisture from the skin. It is best to opt for oil-based heaters.
4. Watch your diet
It is important to keep a tab on a new mother’s diet. Winter has its fair share of good things that can be included in her diet. Soups, salads, green vegetables, and cereals like bajra and makka are nutritious and beneficial for a new mother. For the baby, it is best to breastfeed, as it is the main source of nutrients. Breast milk protects the baby against a lot of infections and diseases. It strengthens the baby’s immune system and the closeness to a mother’s body while feeding, and keeps the baby comfortable and warm.

5. Maintain proper hygiene
It is important to maintain hygiene around newborn children and small babies. During winters, because of the cold at times, one may become lax. But it is important to keep yourself and your surroundings clean. As the baby is going to be close to the mother all the time, lack of hygiene can lead to infection in both the mother and the child. Wash your hands before carrying the baby. Make others do so as well.
6. Take care when the baby is outdoor
Avoid taking the baby out early in the morning or later in the evening. If you plan to sit with the baby out in the sun during the daytime then dress up the child accordingly. The baby’s ears, hands, feet, and chest should be properly covered. If going out during the nighttime is unavoidable, cover the baby properly. It is also good to keep the baby close to your body, as your body’s warmth will keep the baby cosy and comfortable. The new mother also needs to keep herself warm, as any cough and cold that she will catch, the baby is sure to be affected as well.
Enjoy your winters with your little bundle of joy and cuddle up as much as you can!
Interesting and eye-catching content. thanks for sharing this. Keep posted.